Love isn't brains, children, it's blood, blood screaming inside you to work its will.

Spike ,'Sleeper'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

meara - May 26, 2024 9:18:54 am PDT #742 of 2710

Wow entering the peace corps in her 50s is quite a change! Good luck to her.

I bring spices for baking to Palm Springs every year because it’s just easier and cheaper than buying them once we get there, and I usually want to bake Christmas cookies. But I’ve also bought other spices once there and brought them home so now have double the like, onion powder.

DavidS - May 26, 2024 9:38:47 am PDT #743 of 2710
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Wow entering the peace corps in her 50s is quite a change! Good luck to her.

She worked in the Peace Corps before, and also several years on a Reservation.

Jesse - May 26, 2024 10:29:20 am PDT #744 of 2710
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I bring spices for baking to Palm Springs every year because it’s just easier and cheaper than buying them once we get there, and I usually want to bake Christmas cookies. But I’ve also bought other spices once there and brought them home so now have double the like, onion powder.

Too bad my friend is selling her vacation rental there, because she has so many spices and supplies! After being a vacation tenant in many places without the stuff you need to actually cook in the kitchen.

I was just starting to fret about not getting everything done this weekend, especially computer work I need to do for church, but I realized I had an hour, so could at least start working on one thing. Well, I opened it up and it actually took me 20 minutes to go through it to the point I wanted to. Ha-HA!

Shir - May 26, 2024 10:37:44 am PDT #745 of 2710
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

So much love to y'all. {{{}}}

Yay new pup!

Texted earlier to a friend something that I thought could be funny taking out of context: "Congrats! And good luck with finding a shallow grave, let's celebrate on Friday!"

(context: she's awesome and won a professional award, but being herself she feels super awkward about it and expressed the want to find a shallow grave for herself to hide in until everyone will stop congratulate her).

Steph L. - May 26, 2024 10:46:01 am PDT #746 of 2710
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Man, that wedding reception was a full-out Bollywood/20-something folks' 3-hour dance party. It was wild. The groom's female relatives put all Buffista gatherings to shame, because they wore lovely but sedate Indian clothing to the Lutheran ceremony, then changed into Indian party clothes for the cocktail hour and dinner, and then a fair handful went back to their rooms and changed into even more blingtastic outfits for the dance party. Truly dazzling to behold.

The food was the best Indian food I've ever had, and I might be ruined for our regular take-out place. The cupcakes (in lieu of a wedding cake) were carrot cake, which is a favorite of mine, so tiny unexpected bonus there. The groom's cousins/siblings performed a choreographed dance, joined by the groom, and then eventually the bride. Absolutely wonderful.

Our 4-year-old great-niece is fanatical about dancing, and she spent a good 45 minutes of the dance party on her dad's shoulders and was having the time of her life being above the crowd and bopping along and waving these blinky-lights-in-styrofoam-sticks that were passed out, while wearing sunglasses with blinky neon frames that were also passed out. I'm pretty sure she out-partied all of us.

I am doing absolutely nothing today, other than a very very likely nap.

DavidS - May 26, 2024 11:06:07 am PDT #747 of 2710
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Man, that wedding reception was a full-out Bollywood/20-something folks' 3-hour dance party. It was wild.

That sounds utterly fantastic! I think you'll need at least two weeks to recover.

Laura - May 26, 2024 11:22:08 am PDT #748 of 2710
Our wings are not tired.

What an amazing wedding. Recovery time seems to be a good plan.

Steph L. - May 26, 2024 12:39:59 pm PDT #749 of 2710
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

That sounds utterly fantastic! I think you'll need at least two weeks to recover.

I need a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and a case of Red Bull.

JenP - May 26, 2024 1:14:22 pm PDT #750 of 2710

That sounds so fun! And exhausting. But fun! I loved the blinky glasses video on FB.

My landlord has been out back most of the day taming the wilds of the backyard trees and replacing the roof on the shed (I've never been in the shed, and I've certainly never noticed the state of the roof, so... have at it, landlord!)

He also replaced a screen door that the cats totalled (I owned up that it was the cats) and took down the yucky panel shutter thingies on both sliding doors -- what are they called? Blinds! Anyway, took those down, and I will replace with curtains. Eventually. I'm mostly just glad to have the awful panel blinds gone.

Nice day, hot. Having dinner with my nephew and his partner tonight, so that'll be fun. And it's not a school night, so that's cool.

Happy trails, Laura. Time between your trips feels like it gets shorter and shorter? I feel like you've only been home for a couple of weeks.

-t - May 26, 2024 4:25:11 pm PDT #751 of 2710
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I love a well celebrated wedding! All the pics and vids on FB are so great, Tep.