Teppy sorry for the impending surgery and he crappy dad.
M's mom seems to be adjusting ok to the no smoking. Although she did ask her daughter for cigarettes and was denied. No one is giving her cigarettes or money for them but if she goes off and buys them then we can't stop her
I got a jury summons for Monday. I finally got a hold of someone and was going to ask what I needed to do (since it conflicted with the ultrasound) and was told "ok honey I'll make you off the list, what's your name". Thank God for small towns.
M's nephew and wife came over with the their girls. One of them is 4 months old...and so cute. And I have wanted to hold a baby lately. So I held the baby who started crying instantly.
Tep, he should get pie like from Minny from "The Help". Only making that would be gross for you, so maybe not.
Also, welcome to the "I Know Dad's An Ass, But It Still Pisses Me Off A Great Deal Of The Time" club. Maybe we need a nickname for the buttons and t-shirts. Something like "Rudy's Girls" because that may be the only thing we share with the Giulani daughters.
Also, welcome to the "I Know Dad's An Ass, But It Still Pisses Me Off A Great Deal Of The Time" club. Maybe we need a nickname for the buttons and t-shirts.
Can we get satin bomber jackets like the Pink Ladies? We would look so cool!
Totally. Even if posse really is passe.
Nah, we're bringing posse back.
Well, we could probably catch up with eighties nostalgia...
So quiet. What was everyone doing last night that you weren’t posting?? I was at a soccer game.
Hello Hello meara!
I swear my issue with posting and not just reading has to do with autocorrect on my phone. It just wanted to call you “meats” three times before I could type “meara” And it took me three times before I got that one
I was reporting a lost or stolen credit card, which thankfully was declined at Walmart. I did lose $5 to McDonalds. I think it was kids, because they weren’t cleaning me out- they only spent $50. Or they figured since I rode the bus, I too have no money.
I can’t figure out how to share this without going through Facebook, but this video is making me laugh so much about the contrast of subject matter and music! Plus Murray Head. [link]
My evening consisted of reading, weekly phone call with the parents, and being a warm place for the cat to sit. She's been getting liquid meds squirted in her mouth twice a day for the past week so I'm indulging her a little more than usual. Tomorrow she has to go in for a battery of tests to see if her nearly 20yr-old organs are up to having dental work done.
Note to self... if you've been sitting with your legs crossed, uncross them a minute or two before you stand up. (I'm fine, really.)
I spent a good chunk of last night on the phone, with a long conversation with my friend Alison (she was one of the two women in my wedding party when JZ and I married).
I mostly updated her on the Japan trip and Matilda but we did take a brief aside to voice our fury at Chuck Schumer and Dem senators. (I sent a strongly worded letter to the editor! I mean, my Rep. Nancy Pelosi this morning.)
She and her husband are bedrock NY Dems and they were going to register today as Democratic Socialists in protest today.
I enjoyed checking in on Chuck's Bluesky account because people are absolutely livid and feel betrayed. I'm hoping this is a turning point. I also wrote a bitter note to Kirsten Gillibrand.
I hope it really stings when she reads that I am disappointed in her and had thought better of her.
Then I talked to my friend Lars who I will be seeing at our friend Josh's memorial in LA next weekend. We are both speaking at the event. He will be referencing a Frank O'Hara poem, and I will use a song by Mark Eitzel (American Music Club).
I also had a longish talk in my garage with my downstairs neighbor, Jamille, which was in-depth and personal. She has grown to be a good friend. I just wish she had more time to socialize but she's a single mom with a full-time job and is often away on the weekends.