30a (yes, I know I just had an object lesson from... Brenda? Thai coffee in the afternoon is a non-restful idea. I meant to order decaf and just space
Hahah that was me, though I believe Brenda concurred.
My job yesterday had some but not all of us change our email domain. Eventually everyone will, so we had to restart computers and relogin to things and so on. Lots of people having issues with those bits. I have not…but we were promised our old emails would be forwarded to our new ones indefinitely. But I am not getting any of them. So who knows what people are writing/asking/telling me?? Super frustrating. And some of my team members don’t make the change until April.
Okay, I could maybe chill a little more. I parked on the street literally across from the front door of the studio. So, I guess, wish me bendiness!
Parking for yoga requires flexibility.
Always nice when the parking gods smile upon you
I hope you’re feeling better, askye.
Namaste, bitches.
Damn right.
I got an adult coloring book at my work retreat and ordered some cheap colored pencils. I’m hoping this will be some level of stress relief, because Xanax will entail getting a new doctor and I don’t have the spoons.
I feel you, Calli. I haven't even looked at my new insurance card, all the stuff that needs to happen before I can get drugs to help me brain needs a lot of spoons. Colored pencils, yay!
I'm glad you and your therapist have a plan. It's good to have a plan.
I have a plan but so far it mostly involves edibles. (Very teeny tiny amounts of edibles because I am a lightweight and I absolutely do not like the feeling of being high. So I balanced on that cusp of taking the nervous energy off, but not actually being aware of feeling any different.)
And also the crochet except I forgot that at the cabin.
Oh goodness. I need an onerous thing to figure out my HSA. My card doesn't work, and I can't log in. I didn't contribute last year because I had over $4000 in there, but I hope I didn't somehow lose the money. I did find my new insurance card and the tax statement that shows how much I had in there in 2023.
askye- that sounds like a lot of health stuff. Please take care of yourself and M
Hil- I am sort of 100% that I have ADHD, but these medication shortages have me not want to even try.
I am also just screwed for retirement. I will never be able to retire without SS.
I attended calling hours for my old friend Joanne. I wasn't able to stay for the service because it was really too late for Maria who drove me. My friend, her daughter, had no idea how much she helped with the Livonia Community Players! I got to meet her husband and son. When going through things, she found thank you notes that I had given to Joanne, saved, which was sweet. Also reconnected with some of the youth group kids (one who came in from NY) and someone from the class below me who was friends with her son (who passed when we were young). I had sort of forgotten that she brought the Youth Group kids to the Community Players and got me involved in mentoring, when I was in my twenties and they were in high school. It was so weird that of course we are the same age now! And I have to get back to young people theatre, because I miss that connection so much.
I’m so glad you were able to go, it sounds like a really good connection, even if you couldn’t stay.
After yesterday’s moment of Zen with the eagles, here’s your moment of WTAF
My sister is DoorDash in Lake Geneva tonight and just overheard the following conversation in a McDonald’s:
"Nooo Ash Wednesday is Catholic!"
"Ohhhh I thought it was an Indian thing cuz they have stuff on their head all the time."
"Are you even anything? Like Christian?"
"No, I'm regular."
What do you even do with that?