Ugh, Dana
That is heartening, Tep! Btw (this is extremely tangential if not completely separate) our new copywriter apparently lives in Cincy so I of course wondered if you knew her because surely editors and writers all probably know each other, right?
Guy whose last day is Friday called out sick today. His cubicle is all cleaned out, we may not see him again. And now my boss is feeling bad and going home for the rest of the day. I feel like I should run amok
our new copywriter apparently lives in Cincy so I of course wondered if you knew her because surely editors and writers all probably know each other, right?
I saw her at the Secret Copywriter and Editor meeting last night.
Downtown Boise is little blue spot in the middle of a sea of red. I made sure to go buy some things from the pop culture gift show that is super LGBTQ+ friendly and involved in the community. I try to make not of businesses where I see a rainbow flag and make sure to spend my money there.
I feel like I should run amok
Amok Time! I can hear the music playing for you, -t [link] (the truly iconic stylings start at about 0:48, so... ramp up your shenanigans accordingly)
Ha! I’ll have to keep that handy. I remembered that I started the day early so I’m going home now, yay
Since my best friend finally pissed me off enough to post the link Ukraine's official donations website as a reply to his mockery of its supporters on facebook, I thought I might as well share it here too in case there's anyone who's interested and hasn't seen it before. Donors can choose whether they give money to defense, humanitarian aid, rebuilding efforts, and I think a couple of other categories:
Thanks Matt!
I am in full indecision paralysis as far as the stock market goes. Part of me feels like I should pull some money out. Maybe build up more of a liquid cushion. My usual approach in bad times is set it and forget it. I don’t think I looked at it once during the prior Orange Times. But that felt qualitatively different.
Same Brenda. But I’m figuring either shit goes so bad that my retirement money is just a pipe dream, or I’ve got long enough that it can bounce back. I hope.