Yeah, don't burn yourself out. You, personally, matter, too.
On a shallower note - we are supposed to be switching to (or adding on, IDK) Slack at work because that will make us more efficient apparently. I just got an invite for our first training and it is at noon. Annoying. Even more irritating, I already have a noon meeting that day
I have been using Slack for a lot of years and really like it.
ION I'm in Boise this week designing a show.
I'm also a Slack fan. Actually use both Slack and Google Chat at work and Slack is so much better.
Google chat really should be better. It feels like Google just isn't trying to make it really good. So much of GSuite is really good.
That's good to know. We've been using GChat (sort of, we still mostly just email or call, really), I'll be pretty happy to have something better once I learn to use it I'm sure.
So, finally have a minute to check on Amazon's reporting and the graph for last week already has a visible dip on Friday which is gratifying and when I look at the whole month it is still visible. Digging into the numbers a little, there's a 14% drop in revenue from Thursday and 13% from the Friday before (13% and 5% drop in units respectively). Not bad! Looking at the whole week (which is how I usually do look at it), there's a 6% revenue drop and 9% drop in units. Not nothing, but doesn't stand out significantly looking at YTD by week. Note, this is just across our products, not a representative sample of Amazon's goods but I doubt we would have been especially more or less affected than anything else.
Also down 24% to LY which I was going to dismiss as irrelevant but YTD is only down 11% so who knows?