Hi all. It's Shabbat so thankfully no Shiva today. Shiva is a good thing and Judaism knows how to handle grief, but getting 3-4 times the talks that you get in a normal week is a lot. I reverted back to smile and nod after three days. Tomorrow will be end of Shiva, and on Monday we'll be getting back to life.
Thank you all for your wishes, and I'm really sorry for not being too much around here. Political messiness and war aside, the past few months have been a nightmare and an ordeal as my dad not only deteriorated physically and mentally, he also refused to accept medical help most of the time. It was heart wrenching not be able to help him.
USians have been on my mind a lot since January. Take care and organize as much as you can. I know how it feels like, but I also want to remind you that there's so much that can be done locally even when much bigger systems are against you. I'm not sure how much time I'll have to post here with all of the death bureaucracy and errands, but you're on my mind. Also, maybe it's also a good time to change the board definitions from being googable to not - right now all of the posts are googable.
Thank you all again. You're in my thoughts and in my heart.