Shocking, Megan. Can’t imagine why. Utterly baffling. (Ugh)
I’m left wishing any of my ancestors were more recent immigrants because even the most recent ones were my grandparents’ parents.
I am on a plane right now and dang this seat is uncomfortable! There’s like zero padding. Also I thought there was one hour left but there are two hours (my phone had magically updated to mountain time somehow?). But we had a successful takeoff and fingers crossed we will land successfully.
Calli that sounds nice, taking your time to decide where to land and spending time with your sister! I do wish my sister lived closer, though at least these days it’s a direct flight rather than a connection.
Apparently bathroom signs on campus are being changed to say "Biological Men" and "Biological Women," based on a new Ohio law.
Who is paying for this bit of state sponsored bullying?
Looks like some students went the simpler route
Excellent. That would be my inclination as well.
We’ve done that a lot since I moved, and I’m enjoying it.
I went to a bridal shower today and decided two glasses of prosecco would be tasty -- which they were -- and now I'm lying in bed about to take a nice, long nap, because... two glasses of prosecco? Really, Jen? As if.
Timelies all!
Gary has left for the Builders' Show this morning. I went up to the RTC and took Mr. S out for the afternoon. It went well, even if he decided to return to the unit earlier than I had planned. Of course, there was a shopping trip to Target where instead of the $X limit he had stated, I ended up spending $X+20. Sigh...(no wonder he was happy- I bought stuff for him)