Heath~ma for your mom, Matt.
Yes, when the press conference came on I switched to watching yesterday's General Hospital. Overly dramatic who's the daddy questions along with serial killers is far more entertaining than news. My email updates are plenty.
I finished a couple of series that I enjoyed, but with all the streaming services the possibilities are endless. I am choosing the mindless, soapy, SciFi, and/or pretty while staying away from any realistic drama. Life has more than enough crime and drama.
Horrible night of sleep.
Same.Woke up several times.
(and kinda brain dead because I didn't hit Post Message half an hour ago.)
Fingers crossed, Matt.
Glad your Dr office is helpful, Steph.
Thinking about your mom Matt. All the ~ma to her.
Good luck to Matt’s mom and Teppy’s Rx and to…the whole country? Ugh. I can’t believe we aren’t even 2 weeks in.
Lots of ~ma to your mom Matt.
On the fed employee subreddit there are a lot of people who have said that the email pushed them where the are not going to leave and be stubborn. A lot of "my spiteful pettiness now comes in handy " and "I can hold a grudge like it's my job".
I was reading elsewhere on social media...BlueSky or reddit that a crash in that air space has been expected because it's so busy and there is very little room for error
There was very mild work drama. We have two people who do merchandise reconciliation (basically check in/unload trucks, check in vendors, do claims, stuff like that). One is amazing, R. The other is not K. We got behind on freight again and R has been helping and today K was supposed to and she didn't. Until our Har person came and told her she needed to and then K worked for about half an hour and then left
She spends most of her time watching YouTube videos or spends hours talking to vendors. And she won't offer to help with anything. But she's been an employee for 30 years so ....I don't know what will happen to her but I hope something.
I was reading elsewhere on social media...BlueSky or reddit that a crash in that air space has been expected because it's so busy and there is very little room for error
Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. The airport is *right next* to the Pentagon, and obviously the White House and most of the National Mall are also no-fly zones, so aircraft have to follow incredibly specific routes during landing and takeoff.
They did increase traffic there under Biden admin, so that may become a talking point.
They did increase traffic there under Biden admin, so that may become a talking point.
Shocking nobody, he is blaming "diversity"
I don't think Elon has the authority so, even though a lump sum might seem like more than I've ever seen @once, I hope I'd tell them to get stuffed. he also lies. a lot.
Fork him and all his dead relatives.
(pause) And he overweight!