Good luck Atropa!
The water comes out ice cold (kind of nice if what you want is a cold glass of water) and takes a WHILE to heat up.
This is what I was worried about - We have well-water here and JFC is it cold. But it doesn’t seem to be taking too much longer than normal. And it’s definitely getting hot enough.
I guess this weekend will be the test because it’s 20 now and going into single digits for the next several days. If it can keep up with that, it can handle anything.
Just thought I'd share some advice on protecting your data from FB if that's something you want to do:
We were expecting the date of the house completion and signing to slip, and apparently it's not? So we need to be in Richmond in like 2.5 weeks? Which means we have to start getting everything done? Now?
Belated huzzahs for all the good health news! Benign is such a beautiful word.
Best of luck, Atropa!
In related news, I had my now-annual breast MRI last Sunday, and got the results on Tuesday--nothing concerning, see you next year.
My plan for Monday involves reading, listening to non-political podcasts (I'm currently binge-listening to Normal Gossip), and trying to avoid any interaction whatsoever with the news.
We’re expecting snow tomorrow. I didn’t make it of the house today, so might need to get up and get out in the morning for mik and a few items.
This Washington Detroit game is bonkers.
I just got home from a dance and expected to have a couple more hours to enjoy the last day of TikTok, but apparently they turned it off at midnight eastern time! Dang. It was so entertaining, but I don’t think I’ll go download whatever other app. Sigh. It’s frustrating because yes, I’m sure it’s spying on me but so is Facebook and I don’t think it’s more ok for Facebook to be doing it just because they’re an American company? It’s still shitty?
I'm signed out of Facebook until the 26th. (I hope I can stay strong.)
Places like this and Bluesky are all that are going to keep me sane while I detox.
I deleted my IG and will go sign out of FB now. Bluesky is holding my interest.
Yay benign boobs, msbelle!
David, online options are good. But yeah, fucking nightmare to switch. I am still so excited about your Japan trip and Matilda’s stay. I know you will love it!
I have logged off all meta apps for now. I hope to stay off them indefinitely. Bluesky is working for me. And snapchat.
I dipped a toe into Red Note (Xiaohongshu), which is pretty intriguing.
Disassociating from the news for a few days. Working on a music project with the local historical society, am starting a class on running non-profits, and reading.
Well, I thought real hard about leaving Facebook before, so I guess now I really ought to do it. Shame as I only just introduced my mother to Instagram so she could watch the Ben Fensome Pride and Prejudice videos. Will the board take me back?
I tend to drift away from because I can't keep up. Then I visit again, swear I'm going to stay involved, then forget, rinse, repeat. Indeed, Facebook is mostly a more asynchronous way for me to keep up with you people. But it looks like almost all my other social avenues are becoming morally insupportable. It might be time to take a good hard look at gmail.
I wonder if I still own any address books?