I'm so excited for Matilda! What an incredible experience she'll have.
If I haven't mentioned it yet today, the basement/foundation repair company is still at our neighbors' house. I'm beginning to think that they aren't repairing a hellmouth; maybe they're trying to conjure one.
lol, I don’t know how many of you are on TikTok, but it’s been pretty funny all the “welp, it’s been a good ride, where to next?” Today I saw one that said “y’all this is how the firefly universe starts—we all migrate to RedNote and learn Chinese swear words from regular people!”
I fucking hate people who schedule 12:00 meetings.
if they can't feed you at least.
Aw, man. Laura made a point of asking me to come here to wish The Nicest a Happy Birthday yesterday on her actual birthday, and I completely blew it! So...
Happy Birthday +1, msbelle! I wish for you a fabulous year ahead, filled with all kinds of good. May the good you do in the world come back upon you a thousand-fold.
Yes, Jen, exactly. On both fronts....
I fucking hate people who schedule 12:00 meetings.
Oh, lordie, I get those. Or the 1130 meeting that goes for an hour. Happens all the time, esp in a nationwide organization, it's impossible to avoid. My one consolation is that I'm on the west coast and I hardly ever have any meetings after 3 pm.
I'm off for the long weekend, desperately trying to find a way to ignore the inauguration on Monday. Maybe I will just binge the Pottery Throwdown, but in order to do that I need to get more seasons, I was only able to find 2 seasons on the bay of pirates.
I’m going with friends to a double feature movie on Monday. I’m gonna out for late breakfast before.
I'm just going to stay home and not watch or read any news. We live far enough out that there will be zero impact on traffic.
Hope everything went smoothly yesterday, msbelle, and that you were able to have some birthday goodness.
And, Laura, when you can screen again, I hope your eye surgery went well!