A little extra good vibes for Vortex
I'm going to my folks' place after work. I know mom has planned what we're having for dinner, I don't know what else the evening might hold. Remembered only after I got to work in my usual jeans and a sweater that I intended to wear something festive today. Oh well.
Does anyone have NYE plans?
Not now I don’t. Just got my first positive Covid test. Felt a cold coming out last night and by about 4 AM I was a wreck. Thanks 2024.
Oh no, Brenda! That sucks.
I am probably going to a dance event tonight but making it to midnight is still doubtful
Oh no, Brenda!! I'm sorry.
Still vibing for Vortex.
My big plan is to walk across the street to the beach and watch the waves roll in while listening to fireworks and partyers. I might get some champagne, or I might finish off the crémas. It's in the low 80s now, and the forecast is for 73F at midnight, so I expect there will be a lot of people on the beach, both locals and vacationers out and about.
The tv has been tuned to the Samsung holiday music channel to keep the dog entertained when we aren't here. The music has changed to pop hits, but the background images remain holiday scenes. This amuses me. Yes, I am easily amused.
Turkey post
After a momentary power glitch I went back into my computer and the WaPo Hurdle remembered where I was on the 3rd word! I had already forgotten the first one, but knew the second one. Phew. It was an end-of-year miracle.
That sucks, Brenda. Feel better soon.
I’m going to watch the new Star War and then go to bed tonight.
We're both working today and don't have plans for tonight. Odds are good I'll make it to midnight and then immediately fall asleep.
I'm making squash fritters. They better be good, considering the work it's taking to squeeze the shreds dry.