If you guys come down to Stamford my place is literally 20 minutes away. I’d love that!
I’m on BlueSky but at the risk of sounding I dunno, like an asshole? I really try to follow folks that I don’t see/hear from elsewhere. I’m pretty compartmentalized on the socials because I use the different sites in very different ways. Please please please don’t take it personally if I don’t follow back there. I promise I get caught up on ya here and/or Facebook.
Twitter was my home for 15 years and it’s been hard to quit it but I did a few months ago. The election had me in a VERY bad way and for my own sanity I had to stop all news intake. I now listen to Bach every morning on the advice of Laura Linney, and I have found myself in a much better, productive headspace. (It doesn’t mean I’m not going to Fight Like Hell, it just means I’m not riding the emotional roller coaster of the hourly “news” cycle. I’ll fight when it’s not longer conjecture and speculation.)
Edit: I better see those LTC & Santa photos, SJ! And Kristin I hope your back mends very quickly. It’s so debilitating when core movement is impeded and painful.
April in CT, eh? I haven’t even been doing a daily crossword puzzle, just the mini, but being out of practice and terrible might not be that much of an obstacle to enjoyment. I’m terrible at a lot of things that are still fun.
-t, yes! Fun is the point! And meeting more peopleon in person... including you and javachik for me.
April is the second ugliest month here but at least that one kind of bush has the yelllow flowers on it by then! East coasters know which bush I’m talking about!
Uh, y’all, Chuck D just followed me. On BlueSky, not actually, which would be even weirder.
Cool, Brenda! He doesn’t follow many folks so that’s significant!
Yep, that’s the one, dcp!!
The ACPT?? [link] It's in Stamford, CT.
I do crosswords, but at a snail's pace. However, it could be arranged to be there at that time then head 4-1/2 hours northwest and open up my place in Otter Lake for the season. I like this idea a lot. Then fly back home because Spring is the ugliest time in the Adirondacks with mud and black flies.
Just checked the location at the Marriott and it’s exactly 30 minutes from my house. I have marked the days in my calendar and I really hope this happens because I would love to see you all.