I also love the (good) chaos of a loving community.
My friend runs an LGBTQ support non-profit nearby and I am researching starting one in our county for young adults, teens and families.
The only thing I think I can control is how much I try to protect and support vulnerable people in the coming years.
msbelle, I totally empathize with Mac. No weight-bearing is INSANELY annoying and boring and makes everything twice as hard to do. I have definitely gotten some humbling experience with mobility.
With cost cutting and worrying, We are focused on experience and safety and sanity. flea, good for you for keeping your boundaries.
David, are you familiar with the Sandwiches of History YouTube channel?
flea, good for you for keeping your boundaries
Yes! I was thinking that and it didn't make it to the keyboard.
Sadly, I'm feeling like "screw Thanksgiving...Let's have Festivus instead."
Not feeling blessed or thankful. So dumb that my mom, who doesn't Cook with a capital C is making a big dumb turkey for three people that eat together always. But she's happy that she learned how, so, there I'll be, faking it again.. still not as bad as sitting in a state meeting while some idiot who never heard of irony is all "so, Erika, tell me what you hate," and I think "This. Right here,"(Possibly you.)
ETA: Yeah, Jen. Can relate.
chex mix: another thing I hate about lack of power in life is that I always sound like some elderly Holden Caulfield pissed off about phonies...once you hit fifty? That doesn't seem cute.
David, are you familiar with the Sandwiches of History YouTube channel?
I am not! But I'm going to track that down.
Intriguing: [link]
My high school’s football team made it to the state championship game.
I got a FB message request with info about a private tailgate party, which I “liked” but didn’t plan on attending, for a variety of reasons.
Then I was promptly removed from the group by the woman who sent the invite. Guess I am not welcome.
WTF, people???
Wow, Cashmere! I'm speechless.