I'm just going to sit here and cry for a minute.
(Coming of age in Utah during the beginning of the AIDS epidemic was a personally historic event - a lot of the queer kids on campus hung out with the weirdos in the science fiction club. The irony of this being announced on Pioneer Day is not lost on me.)
I'm just going to sit here and cry for a minute.
With you. Steve died in 1987, long before there was any hope. I really hoped they would get here a lot sooner. This can wipe it out completely.
100% effective! That is amazing!
Wow, that’s great news. I’m sorry for those of you who lost people to that horrible disease.
Fantastic news. Growing up near Palm Springs, I watched the devastation.
Holy crap!! That’s amazing!
Stunned and teary and so happy.
That is just. ...it's really really good news.