Lorne: Once the word spreads you beat up an innocent old man, well, the truly terrible will think twice before going toe-to-toe with our Avenging Angel. Spike: Yes. The geriatric community will be soiling their nappies when they hear you're on the case. Bravo.

'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Laura - Jul 14, 2024 7:09:04 am PDT #1534 of 2664
Our wings are not tired.

I saw the Doherty news this morning. Harder to see younger losses.

The Trump shooting happened when I was boarding my plane and several people messaged me asking if I saw the news.

Yes, I know I was glib above with my initial response. I am truly grateful that he wasn’t badly hurt because the fallout would escalate the division and hatred. Maybe it will serve as a wake up call for some.

I’m sorry for those killed and injured for just wanting to see their guy.

Still want them to shave his hair. Sorry. Not Sorry.

Laura - Jul 14, 2024 7:11:58 am PDT #1535 of 2664
Our wings are not tired.

On a happier note, today is Zenkitty’s birthday and I hope she is having a lovely day.

Matt the Bruins fan - Jul 14, 2024 8:41:46 am PDT #1536 of 2664
"You should never say bad things about the dead, only good… Joan Crawford is dead. Good.” —Bette Davis

Happy Birthday Zenkitty!

I didn't know what to think with the initial news, but as more info becomes available it seems to be just what it appeared to be. Horrible and not a good sign of times to come, though I am allowing myself to hope that being grazed by a bullet that could have killed him with 3 inches difference will terrify Trump to the bottom of the rotted cavity where his soul should be.

askye - Jul 14, 2024 9:01:58 am PDT #1537 of 2664
Thrive to spite them

I don't think it will do anything but make him more antagonistic.

I saw some Republican spinning Trump putting is fist in the air as him having the strength and fortitude to let the people know he was ok. I'm not going to be generous enough to agree with that take.

But it does look like there was some kind of communication failure with the various security people and agencies

askye - Jul 14, 2024 9:55:21 am PDT #1538 of 2664
Thrive to spite them

Happy Birthday Zenkitty

JenP - Jul 14, 2024 12:12:05 pm PDT #1539 of 2664

Happy Birthday, Zen!

askye - Jul 14, 2024 3:58:06 pm PDT #1540 of 2664
Thrive to spite them

I have 2 days off. The store remodel starts tonight and will last until Oct or into Oct . I'm not sure. There are all kinds of rumors going around... especially since the restrooms are going to be renovated and will have to be closed for ...not sure how long. A few days , a week? I've heard different estimates. We will have executive portable restrooms outside . And I suggested that we proactively let people know as they come in when the restrooms are closed. Or at least tell as many or pek as possible. So they can plan accordingly.

There will be signs but people don't read signs.

Also there have been too many women wearing pajamas or nightgowns as street clothes. I'm not talking sleep pants and slippers and a t shirt (that is fairly normal) but one elderly lady was wearing what I thought was a sundress but I realized when I could see the color of her underwear it was a night gown. And another woman had a capri pj set on. It was cute but it was pajamas.

I've seen 2 different people come into the store in bathrobes back in the winter. One was a college age looking girl and the other was a man who looked on his 60s. He had jeans on, the bathrobe, and loafer slippers.

I see a lot of hair bonnets but another college age girl came in with a towel around her head. bath towel wrapped around her head, pajamas pants etc.

JenP - Jul 14, 2024 5:33:02 pm PDT #1541 of 2664

I will admit to occasionally walking the dog with my hair towel on... but, you know, only to take her out, let her pee, then come back in. I don't go shopping in a wet (or dry) hair towel.

Will also walk her in flannel bottoms and a T-shirt for her 6a/7a "OMG it's been all night, I must peeeeeee," run, but, er, you can't see through those PJs. Have def gotten coffee at the drive through like that, too, tbh. But, again, drive through. It's between me and the barista.

Theodosia - Jul 14, 2024 6:19:27 pm PDT #1542 of 2664
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

I was in a crowd at a Readercon party (not exactly a raucous affair for this set of book readers) and it was quite the subject of conversation at the time, but this is the Very Liberal subset in the Very Bluest Commonwealth.

Personally, I'm just taking the missed assassination as another sign that he's the actual Antichrist.

askye - Jul 14, 2024 6:25:37 pm PDT #1543 of 2664
Thrive to spite them

I don't care about the sleep pants and crocs at this point. It's the bathrobe or the night gown that have me baffled.

But then I'm baffled at why someone stole Slim Fast bars and Crystal Light (on different days , not on the same day).

I also had to count this as a good day because the elderly lady who is a regular and always "asks" where things are by barking out "Canned Fruit! Canned Fruit!" or "Butter! Butter!" actually ASKED me where the dried fruit was and said please and thank you.

And I made a new snack today. I got some Ritz crackers, peanut butter and Indulgence Trail Mix (has mixed dried fruit, chocolate chips and peanut butter chips and nuts) , spread peanut butter on the Ritz cracker and then dipped it into the Trail mix (I had it in a bowl) and ate it. It was really good. I'm going to try it with celery and peanut butter as an Ants on a Log variation.