All right, no one's killing folk today, on account of our very tight schedule.

Mal ,'Trash'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Gudanov - May 06, 2024 8:09:47 am PDT #146 of 2651
Coding and Sleeping

How's everyone's Sunday going? It's quiet up in here.

My Sunday was not good, had a total breakdown Sunday morning which I'm still embarrassed and ashamed about. Just an awful weekend overall. OTOH, I spread out about 24 bags of soil around the foundation of the house, spread 16 bags of mulch, spread weed and feed over most of the yard and mowed the part that didn't get the weed and feed, did some laundry of course, did some grilling, went to the grocery store, got the utility trailer cleared off to get all that soil and mulch, and some routine house stuff. Have to admit, I don't think about retirement much, I feel like I just worry about getting through the week.

Toddson - May 06, 2024 8:12:00 am PDT #147 of 2651
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

I'm facing retirement before long. I probably have enough, with two 401(k) accounts. My parents did all right - my father died at 57, my mother inherited his pension (very paternalistic employer), plus her own, plus inheriting a good deal of money from my father and her own father, so she lasted until she was 89. Her mind didn't last and my sister (who inherited everything including mom) had to put her in an assisted living facility for the last year or so. My employer - on learning I hope to retire at 75 - offered the option of staying on part-time, which would help, both financially and in getting me out and about and not staying home and letting my brain rot. I turn 72 on Saturday and, to celebrate, I've scheduled my first gel manicure, since my nails are in bad shape.

I think the Buffistas have helped keep my brain/mind younger than I'd be otherwise, but the body is giving out. Sign me up for the soft and squishy.

Shir - May 06, 2024 8:55:59 am PDT #148 of 2651
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

Hello from Newark! Had a wonderful weekend with Jen and another Chicago friend in DC. I am so happy to meet you and spend time with all of you.

Next stop: meara!

meara - May 06, 2024 9:07:04 am PDT #149 of 2651

See you soon Shir!

Yay new pupper, Suela!

I am not sure how working 20 more years seems like a good plan but I guess I’m supposed to? I would probably be down for a part time get me out of the house job but maybe a seasonal one so I could do other stuff sometimes? Still holding out for that lotto win so I don’t have to worry about it.

Jessica - May 06, 2024 9:25:58 am PDT #150 of 2651
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

I am not sure how working 20 more years seems like a good plan but I guess I’m supposed to?

Oof, hard same. And I've somehow reached the age/seniority in my role that people ask me for career advice and career goals are to work just hard enough that I'll eventually be able to stop. I have no ambitions beyond "get paid, don't burn out."

meara - May 06, 2024 9:36:18 am PDT #151 of 2651

Exactly, Jess. Plus the somewhat looming fear that I might get laid off at some point down the road and be unable to get a job due to age discrimination....and since I'm single, can't depend on a partner's income or anything (on the other hand, not depending on a partner's income either, I guess?)

meara - May 06, 2024 9:44:51 am PDT #152 of 2651

On an entirely separate note--I thought I was being proactive by going in to the patient portal to try to schedule a visit with my doctor in late June or early July. But when I did that...the first appointments it offered me were in OCTOBER. Seriously?? I guess now I have to call and find out if she's like, on leave or something, or just booked six months out (?!?!). If she's on leave you'd think they'd have like, a message or something?

Toddson - May 06, 2024 9:54:18 am PDT #153 of 2651
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

A blast from the past?

Queer Ducks (and Other Animals): The Natural World of Animal Sexuality time to revive the, um, DUCK story?

Gudanov - May 06, 2024 11:23:55 am PDT #154 of 2651
Coding and Sleeping

New dog news is great!

Atropa - May 06, 2024 11:33:29 am PDT #155 of 2651
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

Oof, hard same. And I've somehow reached the age/seniority in my role that people ask me for career advice and career goals are to work just hard enough that I'll eventually be able to stop. I have no ambitions beyond "get paid, don't burn out."

Same. Big mood. Also, when people ask me for career advice, my responses tend to be things like "Be prepared to be frustrated. Train your PMs early, but remember that threatening them with violence is a career-limiting move."

New dog! Yay!