I get confused. I remember everything. I remember too much, and... some of it's made up, and... some of it can't be quantified, and... there's secrets.

River ,'Safe'

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2023 Skiddoo

Take stock, reflect, butch, moan, vent. We are all here for it.

Amy - Dec 21, 2023 4:16:41 pm PST #32 of 77
Because books.

Definitely JZ's daughter.

Karl - Dec 22, 2023 12:31:33 am PST #33 of 77
I adore all you motherfuckers so much -- PMM.

And Hec's. She got good things from both of you, clearly. She sounds like someone I'd like to be friends with.

juliana - Dec 22, 2023 6:46:33 am PST #34 of 77
I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I miss them all tonight…

THat is so lovely. Thank you for sharing it, Hec.

Topic!Cindy - Dec 27, 2023 11:22:53 pm PST #35 of 77
What is even happening?

I have scarcely been able to check the board since Jacqueline died. I am so sorry. David/Hecubus and JZ's whole lovely family are the ones in real pain. I know this.

It's just that — remember how, after ita's passing, a whole lot of us couldn't do this?

That's how I feel about JZ. For me, JZ was the heart of who we (Buffistas) are. I am not discounting or even just skipping over ita, ginger, Frank, etc. ita was the reason we could do this, and she had that je ne sais quoi. Every single one of us has made this place this place. But JZ was this place for me.

Jacqueline was so lovely. She was kind. She was polite. She was literate. She was so smart. She was warm. She was funny. She put so much thought into everything. She was a wordsmith. She was artistic. She was just the best of us. Ever. She wasn't a Buffista spirit baby. She was the spirit of everything to which the Buffistas aspired. Plus, and I am saying this in hopes of pleasing her ghost — JZ was asstastic.

When I come here, and she's not here, the lack of JZ hurts my heart.

But David (Hecubus — I don't know which handle you search on), I read your beautiful, painful reckoning of your marriage during JZ's illness. I am so glad you wrote it. I am so thankful I got to read it. I am so glad, so grateful JZ had you during her hardest moments. Thank you for being a good husband. She loves you so much. (I said "loves," my friend, because love doesn't die.)

I ugly-cried through the whole thing. I couldn't really let it sink in, but I let in what I could. Thank you for loving her the way she deserved. I am so angry (and sad) that you don't still have her in the flesh. I'm so angry we don't all have her.

Reading Matilda's tribute is what killed me, though. Her words read just like her mom's words. I felt like I was still reading my friend JZ. I am having a hard time breathing after reading her.

This is so embarrassingly overwrought. I know it. I just don't know what to do about it.

So I will just leave this here:

So you might think that all I have to say about 2023 is: Fuck it. Drop the calendar in the middle of the room, douse it with lighter fluid and drop the match.

But that's not how I feel. I will take every painful moment of 2023 because it's the last year I had with Jacqueline. She won't be in any of 2024 or any year after that.

I would take 2023 in all its stress and shock and pain and loss for one hundred times in a row to spend that time with her.




JZ - Jan 02, 2007 3:45:47 pm EST #7757 of 10001
[tag] See? I gave everybody here an opportunity to tell me what a bad person I am and nobody did, because I fuckin' rule.

Also, if we're putting in obit vocabulary requests, I want "gumption" or possibly "stick-to-itiveness."

Oh, our JZ, you had gumption. You had stick-to-itiveness. (And oh Mr. Grant, you had spunk.)

smonster - Dec 28, 2023 9:18:40 am PST #36 of 77
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Thank you, David, for sharing all that. And for keeping us connected to you and JZ and M and E during this time.

I started a draft of my summary post, but it’s frankly way too long and exhausting for me to write, much less for y’all to read, so here’s a placeholder teal deer version:

This fucking year. Loss and conflict and loss and conflict and more loss and conflict. I love y’all. R was a rollercoaster and I had to get off that ride. Planting and tending seeds for a better 2024. More loss and conflict surely to come.

erikaj - Dec 28, 2023 10:11:07 am PST #37 of 77
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

"I hate spunk." But, I swear, not always. But she might appreciate that I used the whole quote. "Gumption" is a little...frontier for my taste, but if she liked it, what the hell? But I think I've always used "aplomb" to describe Casa Zmayhem, though, and only partially because nobody could say it about me in a billion years. Although, that is true...I hope my honesty generally makes up for my lack of style, someday. But I digress. While I was always sure that they were solid, I wasn't sure that the whole grace-under-pressure thing would persist under such trying circumstances. I think it did, mostly. David Simon wrote in one of his books that the biggest surprise about seeing someone in their last moments was how often they looked like they had just gotten the answer to a vexing math problem. Like, "Huh. This is how this goes." If that is somehow universal, and not just something found in young men Looking For Trouble and Finally Finding It, I hope the answer was, like, everything beautiful she could have wanted without Hecubus joining her wherever she is, because we're not done with him yet.(And not just cause he promised to lay me out on the felt one day. But he did.)

dcp - Dec 28, 2023 10:27:54 am PST #38 of 77
I have grown older, but not up.

a draft of my summary post, but it’s frankly way too long

Same, same. I am still working on it, and plan to post it on January 1st.

NoiseDesign - Dec 28, 2023 10:58:44 am PST #39 of 77
Our wings are not tired

Yeah, I'm in the camp of I still can't muster the spoons to even begin to sum up this year.

quester - Dec 28, 2023 11:14:49 am PST #40 of 77
Danger is my middle name, only I spell it R. u. t. h. - Tina Belcher.

What Topic!Cindy said. all of it.

not ready to sum up this year yet.

Jesse - Dec 30, 2023 5:52:53 am PST #41 of 77
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I am almost sorry to say it, but I had a decent year! I was going to say "no relatives' funerals," but my mother reminded me that my aunt's memorial was in January (after she died the previous fall). But still, no deaths in the family (after a rough previous year). My job got more interesting again, after a period where I felt underused and possibly under-respected. I took on new roles in my band and at church, and am stretching in all kinds of ways -- leading 50+ people in playing songs, chairing the search committee for our new minister. Sometimes I am tired from all of the stretching! But at least I'm not bored.