The adjusting never ends. Ride the wave.
'Conviction (1)'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2022: Hindsight is 20/22
Take stock, reflect, butch, moan, vent. We are all here for it.
I received a card from P.M. Marc this week. Thanks very much!
Oh crap! I haven’t been out to the mailbox since I got home. Well, I expect that will make for some cherry Sunday evening reading.
I sent my exchange cards before I left but there may be some others out in the wild that are/will be in mailboxes soon. I love this new tradition.
I have received many, lovely cards... and I love that they've come throughout the season. So fun! I put them on the brick build-out in front of the (non-working) fireplace, and they are delightful.
Last year brought our household a marriage and good health out of bad, so I have huge appreciation for all of that. Ooh, and a lovely trip with friends to see other friends in Panama.
I've had several game nights, brunches, dinners and things with friends over here, which has been so much fun, and I've recently reconnected with three dear friends (two I've known since third grade, and one from college).
We've decided to stay in this rental house for the next two years. I still need to buy some more "real" furniture to make it more like a full-on home... I do not have the interior design gene, so I freeze up when it comes to choosing things. Just have to buck up and do it this year.
I continue to think every single day about everyone dealing with physical and mental health struggles and send you love and good vibes.
More people will get cards, but not until my household is over COVID, which will hopefully be fairly soon. 2023 decided to start some right away, no slack.
I received cards from JZ and Jessica this week. Thank you very much!
dcp, did you not get my card? I sent it!
Jesse, I did, and thank you. Sorry for the omission.
No worries, I was just afraid the mail stole it from you.
Oh man, dcp, that sounds rough. Hoping 2023 will go as well as possible.