Thanks for looking out for us, Gud! I don't know what any of that means and I'm betting I'd like to keep it that way.
Go Laura!
I halfway expect a Riverdale flashback later on, although I also suspect
the writers don't know why Hiram would want a quarantine, either. So they just skipped it.
I am now typing on my $40 new mechanical, light-up keyboard. I adore it. My typing speed and accuracy is going back up. And it lights up! So gamer nerd. I first tried this model at work, and I'm getting baffled remarks of "How fast do you type?" It's kind of nice to blame the keyboard and not failing hands.
What model?
X-Falcon. Recommended by a guy at work, I test-typed it last week at work, and promptly bought two, one for home and one for work. I hate have two different keyboards between work and home.
Ugh, yes, Connie. Adjusting from work to home keyboards sucks.
I gotta have the funky curved keyboards.
I adapt pretty quickly to most keyboards, but dislike the undersized ones. Throws off my touch completely. My keyboard sadly does not light up. My old laptop did and it was dandy. Will check out the X-Falcon for sure.
Went out with my sons and DIL for birthday dinner. Eldest had fancy surf & turf and the restaurant brought him a lovely cake without singing! It was quite nice although a bit windy out. Beach place. Full moon over the ocean was super pretty though.
Timelies all!
I went to more non-music program items than music program items. That generally doesn't happen at cons.
I thought his weekend had to be better than last weekend, but I was wrong because I suck. Just want it to end.