My job aspiration is to still have my job at the end of this administration, since apparently Individual 1 thinks we should all be on the street.
In other news, this Buzzfeed article about I-1 telling Cohen to lie to Congress seems... interesting.
I am getting the whiskey out so I can read about this in the proper frame of mind...
How are you holding up, Consuela?
I was just thinking about how lucky I am that even when I didn't have any cash, I always had too much credit, so if I was confident I'd get paid eventually I could just take a cash advance on a credit card. Which is not great, but at least would keep the bills current.
I really hope that Cohen taped many conversations. Tapes would be helpful. I don't know why Cohen doesn't bother me as much as the rest of them. Flynn, Manafort, Kushner, and others I really want to see in jail. Cohen is a sleeze, but seems more like he got caught up in something that spun out of control. Enjoying doing his job, more than the treasonous behavior of so many around him. It could be that he reminds me of a lot of guys I grew up with that were lawyers and accountants for mob types. Cohen and the Trump accountants that stiff contractors and make fake green cards for employees are rotten sleezes, but not at the level of those that traded countless millions of dollars from foreign advisories. Treasonous selling out of the country at a level higher than what Cohen seems to have done. Cohen more involved in business type stuff as opposed to altering the party platform, or doing Putin's bidding.
I could just be rambling as the coffee hasn't done its thing yet. Cohen could be just as much a traitor as the rest of them. I wish it was a few years in the future and we were watching a historical movie recreation like All The President's Men. The sequence of events and roles of the various parties will be clearer in the future. And we know that Putin will drop what he has on Trump when it serves him to do so.
Yeah, maybe some more coffee and some actual work.
More rambling!
Consuela and the other immediately affected by the shutdown, Kat and others immediately affected by the strike, Gud and other affected by corporate maneuvers all remind me of the difference in working your own business.
Business owners may have stupid levels of stress, and absurd hours, but more is at least in theory under our control. Major customers can do things that hurt, but we can get other customers. Random whims of the President or votes by boards don't hit us the same. And we only have to have absurd pointless waste of time early morning meetings if that is something we enjoy.
And we only have to have absurd pointless waste of time early morning meetings if that is something we enjoy.
And who wouldn't enjoy that???
One of my coworkers brought in homemade stroopenwaffles today. That's almost enough to make waste of time early morning meetings (or, in my case, giving up a work from home day for possibly not entirely waste of time meetings) worthwhile.
My career goal is to do exactly what I'm doing now (+/- a stroopenwaffle or two) up north.
I am grateful to have a job, despite the early morning meetings.
Twitter seems to think the Buzzfeed article is a big deal, in the sense that if it's right, Trump was clearly involved in a criminal conspiracy, which is what brought Nixon down.
Mueller supposedly knows all of this, and I would like him to finish his investigation up right the fuck now.
My career aspiration is to continue receiving a tech industry paycheck until I finish grad school.
Mueller supposedly knows all of this, and I would like him to finish his investigation up right the fuck now.
Matt Whitaker's wife says everyone knows he's almost done? [link]
I'm really sorry about your situation, Consuela. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be.