Consuela, I hope you can figure out a plan, even if it's temporary. So many people I know are in this same boat and it's heartbreaking reading how it's affecting them.
Not watching broadcast TV tonight. Fuck 45, and everything that helped make his administration possible.
I keep seeing websites with "Watch Live!" and my response is always "Can't Make Me!"
Had to unfriendly TCG's aunt on Facebook because she was forwarding stuff to his mother, which set off this current round of crazy. I may have to shutdown Facebook all together, and I'm going to switch my Twitter account to private. Also I fell at the bookstore where I went to try to improve my mood and now hurt all over. This day can bite me.
Oh geez, sj. That's awful.
Crazy relatives using Facebook to make people miserable, you say?
My cousin's wife takes the cake for bringing Facebook aggression into the real world. She decided to take offense at everything I posted and ended up calling my sister and having a tantrum about something so insignificant I can't remember what it was. She ended up claiming I'd been sent by Satan especially to hurt her family.
I don't miss having Facebook after all that trauma.
Man, I'm such an aggressive jackhole that I would double down on the "offensive" Facebook posts if someone threw a real-world tantrum about it.
I use groups to shut out any of my posts that may bring conflict, because I just really don't enjoy it. None of y'all are blocked, but various family and work friends are in my ''non-political' group which really should be called 'non-controversy'. A lot of my posts are 'Friends except non-political'. It really does keep things calm.
Many of my friends and family only see posts about the Florida weather and cute animals.
Mostly I don't want her to have any access to my daughter or my life, and if her sister is going to share stuff with her, she can't have access either.
I am grateful not to have anyone toxic like that in my life.
I am so lucky that my Facebook friends are mostly you guys, people from my Myers-Briggs group and cool people from high school! I unfriendly the high school people pretty quickly if they are angry making.
Although the weird think around here is a meteorologist who got fired because he somehow said "Martin Luther Coon King Junior" on air. I am pretty sure he didn't mean to, but now some people are boycotting the tv station for firing him, which is ridiculous