I just sent myself a test email because it has been so long since I got one! This week is crazy. On the one hand, so little has been going on, I could have taken the three days and gotten two full weeks off. On the other hand, you know something would have blown up if I wasn't here.
I wonder how early I can leave.
Also my computer is all jacked up and I should really re-start, but that also barely seems worth it when I'm going to shut down for the weekend in a few hours!
Why do we have to work again? I feel like I know the answer, but it isn't coming to me.
Our day is centered around getting small plastic cards.
Matilda has lost her student Clipper card for getting around on Muni for free so I'm hauling her downtown with her birth cert and school ID to get her a new one.
Then I'm leaving her with JZ as I scamper to the bank and try to replace my compromised debit card.
Little plastic rectangles rule my life.
Also, the contractors are working on the back porch (just outside my nerdhole) with power tools. So....I want to get away from that.
Why do we have to work again? I feel like I know the answer, but it isn't coming to me.
Because we weren't hatched from eggs wrapped in hundred-dollar bills.
-t I may email you this spreadsheet.
Because we weren't hatched from eggs wrapped in hundred-dollar bills.
One of the main stories around my birth is that my mother woke up in labor that morning, but they waited to go to the hospital until the bank was open, because they didn't have any cash. (Why they thought they would need cash to arrive at the hospital is lost to history.)
But speaking of plastic rectangles and dollar bills.
-t I sent to your gmail ( which I hope you can access at work).
Got it msbelle. It's the zoom setting, in View. Back to you.
Because we weren't hatched from eggs wrapped in hundred-dollar bills.
Note to self - look through all potential Next Lives until you find this one before coming back.
ARGH PLASTIC RECTANGLES!!! Just in general. I hope your acquisition and straightening out of same goes smoothly, Hec.
I had to cancel my plastic rectangle yesterday for fraud.
I honestly would be pretty screwed without my plastic rectangles, but I think that's why I resent them so much? Except for my Clipper card, I'm still kind of in a honeymoon stage with it. Not needing exact change for the bus is wonderful.