They have practice on Christmas?! That's surprising.
I had some friend Christmas on Sunday but since I had a migraine and didn't go to the show, it didn't feel all that christmassy. And I chatted with my family yesterday, and am going to the movies with a friend today. Still doesn't feel holiday...but I'm consoling myself I have another week off work (woot!) so that'll be nice. And for breakfast I had a muffin I made (and froze) this weekend. There's a bakery in Portland that does this delicious roll called a "Gibassier", which seemed too complicated to make (yeast and proofing and whatnot!)but I found a recipe for Gibassier-inspired muffins. Not as good (I am not a fan of the muffin texture?) but still good. It's an anise and orange flavor, which is unusual but I really like
Ok, now we're just inventing Pokemon.
So far, DH and I have spend our kid-free Jewish Christmas completely taking apart and cleaning the refrigerator, and then sorting and organizing all the crap in the secretary drawers (which apparently is where old USB keys go to die). And we had lox and bagels for breakfast (and fancy coffee, OMG I love having an espresso machine), so it hasn't been all housework.
Yesterday I snagged a cubby shelf unit for our front hall off the local buy-nothing FB group, and today I ordered a 6-slot USB phone/tablet charging station to put on top of it, and then EVERYONE will have a place to charge their device and I'll stop tripping over cables.
Ok, now we're just inventing Pokemon.
So, are you saying don't do that?
Charging everything at once shelf sounds amazing!
No surprise that the child is being a grumpy pain. It's Christmas after all. He slept in, refuses to open his gifts (he is the only we bought for this year). He is stuck here at grandma's until he does, so he is only prolonging his time.
For spending one night over here he brought his whole desktop computer and has been on it all last night and today, no interaction with us at all.
I'll never do more than invite him for Holidays and if he does not come, he does not come.
I am so full! And Christmas dinner with family friends wasn't as bad as I was afraid it might be. But seriously, I was just getting rolling with the sitting around in pajamas when it was time to get up and go this afternoon. We watched Desk Set AND White Christmas, and it was perfect.
My brother and SiL got us a Clue game, but not just any Clue game: a *Bob's Burger's* Clue game! That'll be fun to play.
I am super tired. And my family is loud as hell. But we had a good time.
My notorious sweet tooth is AWOL, which means most of the sweets we brought home (a crapton of cookies and some incredible baklava) are going in the freezer. We also got a lot of chocolate, but that doesn't need to be frozen.
It's always perplexing when my sweet tooth isn't running the show. All I really want is cheese and charcuterie. I have a party-tray tooth.
I ate too many sweets. So now I also want charcuterie. But hopefully will manage to spend my energy wisely tomorrow and make a yummy brunch. I think my only plan for the day is "read a bunch of Yuletide stories"
It was Linda in the Alley with a Full Musical Number
Imagining Bob's Burgers Clue is making me happy. Actually, I am probably more imagining the Belchers playing Clue, but surely the two are pretty similar.