Happy Solstice!
One of the people who is supposed to get my department content to work on apparently just realized that there will be no one there to work on it for the next week and a half. Boy, howdy, have the files been coming in fast and furious for the past hour. There are 54 minutes to go in my work day.
I just broke Mr. Loomy. I'm listening to the remastered
It'll End In Tears
by This Mortal Coil, and he made a comment about "I was going to suggest a drum solo coming in here, but I figured you wanted to hear the song uninterrupted." During the next song, he started making drum solo noises. After I said "This is one of my favorite albums, and I am going to fuck you up", he couldn't stop laughing.
That's a pretty wonderful plan, Fred, though I would encourage a bit of green food amongst all the red and brown (wryly insert smiley emoticon here). You know, just for traditional seasonal color.
plan ahead for maybe a horror marathon (she's a horror fan) and slice and bake cookies, and beer.
...which I was puzzled by at first, since I read it as 'bees', but no, it's a good plan!
msbelle, this time of year we have apprx. four hours of daylight and I have ten years of sights I planned to show my kid. So far said kid is sleeping off a pile of nerves from the last two weeks of craziness, including a week's driving cross country in driving rain and deathwish drivers. I have had my disappointed snit and have backed off. If these plans, as all the rest of my plans, don't happen, well. We lost power, internet, and heat for several hours yesterday. I have all of those things today and am being happy about that and have let go everything else. It's hard to do that. We've shed and reduced family traditions to the point now where we have none. I do miss it. But I'm healthier and better letting it go. Maybe in a year that's not so crazy we'll be able to start making new ones, that suit us better now. I wish you the same.
It only gets brighter from here on out.
Oh, thank all the gods and little fishes! Happy Solstice!
If these plans, as all the rest of my plans, don't happen, well.
My life. Beverly, I hope the kid feels better after sleeping off the trip. It is absurdly exhausting.
Happy Solstice indeed! I am ready. Hope it is clear tonight to see the full moon.
he couldn't stop laughing.
Have you checked to make sure he hasn't been replaced by an alien?
I cleaned a lot of the house today! But hardly neatened at all, because I'm still in the middle of everything. But I also wrapped everything, except for ribbons, so I can keep them all stacked together for now.
Am rewarding myself with The Winter Soldier.
As a Facebook memory reminded me, Christmas comes whether you're ready or not.
It only gets brighter from here on out.
For that, and for you, Tom, I am exceedingly grateful.
Happy Solstice, folks. Many thanks for all that you have given me this year.
My cell phone appears to have died. I have a spare... which is back in California. I can afford to drop $120 on an unlocked phone and get it by Sunday, although I probably could survive being without a phone for 8 days. But I don't really want to fly without one?
We won't celebrate Christmas until the 27th. E will be here . I got ssomeone to cover my shift. Christmas Eve I'm work 7:45 to 6:45 so mom and I will chill and then Christmas Day I'll go down to see Matthew and then come back up.
I'm not feeling really Christmasish for some reason. Even at work it hasn't really felt like that. Other than being busier. We didnt get as much Christmas stuff. We got a lot of new products but not a lot of decor and things.
Tomorrow after work I'm going to Matthew's and Sundy we are doing some Christmas shopping. I have to get him something.
Maybe that will get me in the spirit
Sitting downstairs, listening to my brother & SIL & eldest nephew banter in the bedroom & just really glad to be here.(I offered to sleep on the couch-I'm the last to bed & first up, but nephew insisted I take his room. I think he likes the opportunity to play camping in the house.i dunno.)
I got pretty good family.
Wrapped mostly everything today. Have stocking stuffers & randos to go. And gift cards/charity donations.