I’m half-assing everything and on the verge of failing all of it.
This is exactly how I've been feeling for months. I'm barely functioning, I can't concentrate on work or anything else. Thank goodness I can work from home, not only from a safety standpoint, but because my boss can't see just how much I am staring into space and crying at work. I'm in bed right now with my laptop and my phone. I can answer phones and edit documents without being upright or dressed. If I had to drag my withering carcass into the office every day I think I'd have a breakdown from how hard it is to encounter people and pretend to be okay.
Thank goodness I can work from home, not only from a safety standpoint, but because my boss can't see just how much I am staring into space and crying at work.
Yup. If I could figure out how to phrase it, I would add "Can edit while bawling eyes out" to my resume's Skills section.
I'm in bed right now with my laptop and my phone. I can answer phones and edit documents without being upright or dressed.
I haven't taken a shower since Friday. I am entirely unfit to work in an office.
I'm not sure how I'd do if I had to work in an office. Working from home and having another person around all of the time can be a bit much, but at least I can just roll out of bed and take a nap in the middle of the day if necessary.
I'm alone in the office and it's been useful. It gives me structure and, since I moved this summer and am STILL in a world of boxes, the office is better for working. And it's been useful to the organization - I answer phones, get checks deposited and invoices paid, take in packages, etc. If there's anyone else around, I put the mask on (and they do as well), and so far I'm all right and I think everyone else on staff is as well. We have, however, had one person furloughed and two people fired (for non-virus reasons) and one person left for another job. I do enjoy the sheer relief in people's voices when they realize they're talking to a real person.
Yep. I'm pissed about it and I'm gonna stay pissed.
Oh, yeah.
The first memo that the CEO sent out about Covid back in April referred to it as "the China virus." That ought to tell you everything right there.
Palate cleanser: Clearly, Halfrek turned Anya (left) and Xander (right) into dogs. [link]
Another palate cleanser: baby panda. It's time to name him (you can vote on his name) and there's a video of him and his mother (he's still not walking much).
Timelies all!
Yet another night of interrupted sleep. Mr. S woke up around 12:30 crying that something hurt.(I guess he banged into something on the floor in his sleep. Y'know, if he would actually sleep in his bed every night, that wouldn't happen. sigh..)
Then yowling cat was yowling early.
My covid-denier co-worker just posted a big rant/meme the other day about if smoking kills something like a half million people a year, why doesn't the government mandate measures about it like it's doing about masks for the coronavirus.
The stupid, it burnsssss.
Ugh, Steph, so sorry. A co worker of my roommate tested positive and she was in contact but not close contact. So she’s supposed to get rapid tested today and again in a few days.
If I’m inside a space other than my house, I am wearing a mask. Period. I don’t generally wear one outside though.
I am Team Today Sucks. Mondays are for surviving. Had bad painsomnia last night and barely slept. Thankfully the day is almost done.