I am so thankful for this place and you all and really really regretting that I have not met more of you.
This. I need to visit U.S. again. But not before 2022.
A family across the street, on a porch that is right across my apartment and bedroom window, is sitting shiva. That is sad, but it also looks like they invited lots of people over, and the main mean of communication they have is shouting on one another. Looks like I'll be knowing them intimately by the end of next week.
Hi all. brenda caught up with me on twitter. Seems like 2020 is not letting up on the crap. I read back a bit and saw others having their own struggles, too. I'm terrible at mearing and don't want to leave anyone out, so I'm sending out hugs, hairpats, and forehead kisses to those who feel in desperate need of them. Or who just enjoy getting them.
Twitter handle to search for her.
I change it around a lot, but it usually has Ellen in it somewhere. Right now it's "46WillBringEllenBack". My @ is currently themythical4A. That might change in the future, but chances are pretty slim anyone's going to land it in competition soon.
Good to see some old faces around these parts.
I am so thankful for this place and you all and really really regretting that I have not met more of you.
Good to see some old faces around these parts.
Both of these things. I have really loved being back here after a long absence/occasional lurkdom.
For your amusement, it seems someone has set up a Four Seasons Total Landscape parody account. They were advertising shirts and such and then announced they'd be hiring to take on a BIG project. Starting January 20, 2021. The owner wanted them to fix up their rose garden; he'd sent photos of how it looked and it was a mess. snerk
This year is, literally, the worst.
I'm so sorry about your sister, Hec. Fingers crossed the treatments do their job and then some.
Cashmere, I'm so very sorry. What a gutpunch.
Matt, I'm sorry about Little Britches.
I know I missed people so I will also send general hugs and vibes and caring out into the world for all.
Cindy, I just reached out to Nicole. So, she knows now. If there is anyone else I can help with, let me know.