Christ wept, I kept making a mental list of "who has had bad news that I need to address" and it kept getting bigger. Cash, I'm so sorry. Matt, same. Hec, that sucks. (I will say that some of the chemo they have now for some breast cancers is pretty damn great with minimal nasty. Mom's been on it since it came back in her bones last year and two of her doctors, independently, expect several good years for her.)
I stand with the cowgirl on this one.
Me too.
Okay, the stupid stupid stupid truth is that I was cleaning the gutters and was more nervous about negotiating getting back on the ladder to climb down and, you know...I've done it before. It was fine then! It's only, like, 9 feet.
...even those that brought it on yourselves.
Us formerly invulnerable idiots appreciate your compassion.
Wow. Fuck everything.
Bring on the zebra footage.
Oh my god, Cashmere, I'm so sorry. About all of it.
Matt, I'm so sorry.
Wow. Fuck everything.
Could have said it better.
Edit: NOT. Could NOT have said it better.
Cashmere, I am so sorry. Your uncle will need your love and support down the road after the numbness has passed more than he needs it at the funeral.
I'm sorry, Matt.
Shaking my head in a motherly fashion at MM.
Also how do I faff about all day then get motivated to work about a half ago before I can leave? That was an hour ago. Granted some tech issues and network issues contributed to the faff. But mostly I lacked motivation today.