Those gliders are super cute! But since they are in Australia, how many ways can they kill you?
Or give Trump like 500 doses of the vaccine because he thinks it will make him super-immune, and *then* smash the rest of the vials
Sure, like Killmonger
This reminds me, did you all see the clip of the news guy where the Trump support comes up behind him and asks if he's "the real news or the fake news" and the reporter just says "Fuck off!" and goes back to camera? If no, I can try to find it again.
I saw! It was a Long Island reporter, wasn’t it?
Here you go! (Though he claims he said "Buzz off".)
So delightful.
In other news, tumblr asked this astronaut "Star Wars or Star Trek" and he answered Firefly: [link]
I have a toaster oven baking sheet that has outlasted the toaster oven by a good 15 years. It’s probably my mist used pan. For actual baking you want a bigger one for much other cooking or reheating for one or two people it’s just right.
Isn’t giving other people money to contribute politically kind of illegal? [link]
Mostly I expect both sides in the Georgia races will have an overabundance of cash. The citizens will be overwhelmed with commercials, texts, calls, and knocks on their doors. It is going to be crazy.
Courtney Milan and other Romancelandia writers are doing a fundraising auction starting tomorrow. [link] The amount of money coming in from any and everywhere will make the non-GA nature of any of our donations fade into the overall noise, so we might as well give straight to the candidates or ActBlue.
A write-in vote for "none of the above" can't win a runoff election, can it?
In very good news, I finally got to bring my cat Molly home from the pet hospital. (In less good news her final bill came to just shy of $1,250, so I guess not going on vacation this year wasn't such a bad thing after all...)
I have to stay off Twitter for awhile , I read what is going on and then get more anxious.
I tried to limit who I was following so it wouldn't be politics but it doesn't matter bc everyone retweets political stuff.