The list of people on Biden's COVID transition advisory board is making me happycry.
Plus the news that Pfizer's vaccine has a 90% efficacy rate! (And you cannot tell me that Pfizer didn't know this last week. My speculation is that they sat on the news until after the election was called, so that Trump couldn't claim responsibility for what seems to be a very effective vaccine.)
Looking to actual scientists and experts for leadership! What a concept.
My speculation is that they sat on the news until after the election was called, so that Trump couldn't claim responsibility for what seems to be a very effective vaccine.
No idea on whether they sat on it, but he already tried to claim responsibility and they shot him down!
Oh, get the FUCK out! One of my authors -- literally, I was working on his author changes this morning -- is named to the Covid task force! When I sent an email last week saying "Hey, your article was due yesterday; please return it so we don't have to send the goons out," he replied and said "Apologies -- we are a bit distracted with 'current events'," and I assumed he meant the general suspense around the outcome of the election. But no, it seems he meant "I have been talking to Team Biden about being on the freaking Covid task force!!!" That is so cool!
Ha! The good ones are always subtle about it.
I sent him a congratulatory email and let my coordinator know about his appointment to the task force (though I assume the AMA already knows, but maybe not, so I figured I'd help).
I *guess* that excuse is acceptable, Tep.
Test~ma for everyone needing it.
Tep that's cool!
I had a horrid customer the other day, Thursday, (I was out straightening on the sales floor and trying to help people). He talked over me, wouldn't let me say anything , then got mad when I tried to say something. Got mad that he couldn't try on pants and I did my usual "our dressing rooms have been closed since we reopened in May, it's part of our pandemic policies" and he snapped back with "Covid isn't real!"
I had this moment of "oh dude you are just pissed Biden won".
Very cool, Tep! Way better than the usual author excuses you mention
Had my Outlet Sale training this morning. Our POS has switched from whatever computerized cash registers we used to have iPads, which will probably be much easier once we get used to them. Plexiglass shields between the register and the customer, nobody signs anything, our aisles might be 15 feet wide, we have a LOT of room. We did end up putting out displays which will probably only get sanitized once a day but that's just the best we can do. I guess I have the option of a face shield if I want it, I doubt I will but who knows? Masks required for everyone, limiting the number of people in the store to 125 (which is a wild ass guess as to what it should be, we can adjust on the fly, though). No one can begin to guess if we will be wildly busy or completely dead or if people will use the curbside pickup or anything. First day of the sale is day after tomorrow, I work on Thursday.
So, anyway, if y'all need kitchen stuff code WINTER2020 for 30% off, not all items are available online but supposedly more are being added all the time 11/11-11/22