That said, it also looks like there will be two Senate runoffs in Georgia in January, and so there's a (very slim) chance we can flip the Senate. Slim.
I put nothing past Stacey Abrams at this point.
Kentucky has a Democratic governor now, so that would work out well in terms of replacing that motherfucker McConnell.
Let's just send that lovely thought out into the universe.
I'm feeling much more comfortable that we will have a normal president again, but still really worried about what we have to endure until January.
On the personal front, I officially told the other grandma that I will not be attending my son and DIL's baby shower. She was super gracious and understanding. She is thinking attendance of 48 now with me and DH. I really hope no one gets sick, but at least I won't.
eta: I'd have to rewatch that a few times too, Brenda!