(Please do not reassure me with data. I am looking at the data. My blood pressure is unconvinced.)
Fair. I'm slightly reassured by the tantrum the Orange Menace is throwing. The more "unfair" he claims the election is, the more I think things are going our way.
No matter what the final result is, and I think it will be Biden, it doesn't take away the fact that nearly 50% of my fellow citizens think Trump being president is just fine and dandy. I don't want to know or be near any of these people.
Yeah. It's kind of like how my home town is cheap, on the Lake Huron coast, and I could quite possibly get a job there now. But there's a known KKK group operating there, and anyone in the grocery checkout line could be a part of it. So I will not be moving back.
The "fuck you, I've got mine" is the biggest issue right now. My understanding is there's a lot of Republican voters who know and admit Trump is a complete disaster and unfit to lead, but they're still willing to vote for him because he delivers them tax cuts and conservative judges. (And then there's his batshit crazy rabid base.)
Wow! My county elected its first sheriff who is a woman and who's queer. That's amazing and awesome!
Seriously, fucking Susan Collins.
I am angry that Sara Gideon conceded to Susan Collins. There are still uncounted votes. This is fuckery. I don't care if she has information telling her she's likely to lose. In an election like this one, you count every fricking vote.
I would really like to be cautiously optimistic but so far this election feels like everything that went wrong in 2000 and 2016 all at once.
This is where I live.
Wow! My county elected its first sheriff who is a woman and who's queer. That's amazing and awesome!
Thank you for sharing this, Teppy. I couldn't see the good news, on account of my rage fog.
My old state house district in Texas that I worked so hard in last cycle still f’in went red. 68% voter turnout.
I'm missing out on getting a Dem rep by like 1.5%, which is what got siphoned off into third-party candidates.
I haven't looked at any of the news yet, and I may put it off until after I catch up on three days of Slack messages for work.