538 has a new article up about recent polling in the Midwest where it looks like the surge in COVID is pulling down Trump's numbers in Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa.
Between the ones he makes sick at the rallies and the people he has lost due to the idiocy of the COVID lack of policies it is amazing he has as many as he does. My family in Omaha are stunned with the bus screwups leaving people out in the freezing cold after they showed up to see him too. Just making points in the wrong column left and right. (NE relatives are so excited to contribute their one electoral vote)
I just got a call that ltc cut her hair at school. My first thought was at least it was HER hair.
I still remember when my friend Jill cut this girl's waist length hair with safety scissors. It took a long time. And it happened at my house, although I was not involved with the actual cutting so I escaped relatively unscathed.
In retrospect, it was straight hateration. We didn't like the kid anyway, and we were jealous of her long blond hair.
I was once in a store and there was a family - mother, father, young boy (5 or so) - and the mother was having a FIT over his haircut. He'd just had his hair cut and the mother was furious about it - she went on for a good five minutes about it. I suppose it was too short, since if it wasn't short enough she could have had more cut off, but maybe it was the way it was cut. It just completely confused me as to how she could be that upset about a haircut on a kid that young, when it would grow out.
ltc is currently more upset than anyone else, and mostly she is just annoyed that she temporarily lost scissor privileges at school.
That is perfect -- clear consequences.
My friends' daughter cut her long hair short when she was about 3 so she could "look like Bob" (my husband). She's 14 now and has had short hair ever since.
I had long hair in college and, a little less than a year after graduating, it was hip length. It was a PAIN. I had it cut off to about chin length and now wear it even shorter; I don't have the patience or interest to deal with longer hair (also, with the climate I live in, most of the year I deal with extreme frizz ... which is less unattractive when the hair's short).
I was just reminded that at the beginning of this calendar year, I was being inspired by meara and others to think about sending out a photo card myself. Well, then 2020 happened. Would it be funny to take different pictures of myself in my apartment and send that out as a card??
oh, as usual, dear ... my organization is running a virtual conference, so I've been fielding calls from the frantic, the irate and the just plain confused. In between, I've been doing bits and pieces of work, as possible, and I've gotten hooked on YouTube videos of Say Yes to the Dress. One I was watching, the bride declared she wanted to be naked with sparkles, "vajazzled". They tried her in a dress that was actually too naked ... and she said "exposing my Pikachu" (which made me laugh ... luckily, there's no one around to hear).
I think that will depend on where we are Jesse? It could be super funny! Or a depressing reminder of our reality.
I don't remember cutting my or anyone else's hair but remember cutting Barbies hair.