Oh dear, sj. I hated that part of parenting. Kids can be so rotten.
"Our 3-year-old announced he wanted to be tomato paste for Halloween."
When DH was coaching little kid t-ball one of the kids asked his dad if he could be Big Owl for Halloween. (That was what the kids called him since he was Coach Al and for some reason Al is hard for kids to say and comes out owl)
There's a funny picture around the internet of a kid about that age who insisted on going as pants for Halloween.
Love it! I am going to miss Halloween. I know our downtown shops will have treats. I haven't seen whether our neighborhood association is doing anything.
Right with you, Pix. My anger level last night was horrible. I didn't think I would be able to sleep. They need to expand the courts. Period.
At least she was suitable horrified when I told her about it at drop off.
Oh good. I hope the conversation goes/went well.
The head of ltc's school called, and she is taking it seriously. All parties have been spoken to and ltc know she can go to her teacher if it happens again. I think the school has concentrated so long on getting kids to work out their differences amongst themselves that it never occurred to her to tell her teacher. However, this was not a simple case of sharing a toy etc, and both TCG and I told ltc that no one gets to speak to her that way.
{{{Pix}}} As I said elsewhere, my doomscrolling got a lot doomier. I'm glad you thought to come here for refuge! Do you want commiseration or distraction (or both (or anything))?
I'm glad they are taking it seriously, sj, and sorry it happened.
Pix, I'm NGL. I had a thought that it sure would be terrible if Thomas caught COVID at the swearing in ceremony. Just awful.
Kavanaugh and Thomas can share an ICU room.
I am finding online puzzling to be really soothing and helpful in taking my mind off of all of the awful from time to time. I even went so far as to subscribe to the NYT puzzle/games section. Anyone else do the Spelling Bee, by chance? I do all of them, but I'm really digging the Spelling Bee right now.
Tonight I'm doing phone (well, text) banking for the first time. I am kicking myself for waiting so long to do it. So, the rest of the afternoon I will spend reading up on what I need to know to be useful.
I was starting to feel better about the election, but SCOTUS news is making me start to think that a whole lot of votes may not be counted. I'm back to thinking that Trump will win the election via court decisions despite losing the vote soundly.