I believe that he actually has it, if only because I can't imagine the medical staff at Walter Reed being in on a huge scam. I think Trump's baseline grasp on reality was poor to begin with, and he has the steroid crazies now,* and he doesn't want to appear weak in the press (or possibly his adult children and other staff/enablers are super concerned about his image with less than a month until the election, and so *they* want him to appear hale and hearty).
I know he's maybe the biggest liar any of us have ever experienced (or will ever, God willing), but there are something like two dozen people infected now in the Trump cluster.
Also, the Secret Service agents in his little fascist parade yesterday were wearing face shields, as well as the kind of N95 masks that have exhalation valves (the point being, those are only protective to the wearer, and there is no need to protect Trump from Covid if he already has it). Also, their masks appeared to be taped to their faces.
To go all Zapruder film for a moment, go to this photo at Getty Images, click on the + to expand it, and scroll to the right to see the clear tape on the agent's face, on his cheekbone. [link]
Plus, in the video Trump released right before he went into Walter Reed, he looked like a man somewhat chastened by fear. Of course that fear is gone now, because of the steroids, but I saw it. Emotionally, I responded to it (momentarily) like I would to any scared human being. I felt sorry for him.
And he really is acting like Trump on steroids.
He didn't even fucking stay in the hospital over the weekend! There's no way he'll stay in the residence.
I am more concerned about residence staff (butlers, housekeepers, etc) than the administration staff, so I don't even know how to feel about that. The Atlantic ran a piece on them. [link]