There is no willpower in the matter; there is only keeping the temptation elsewhere.
I know the things that are impossible to not eat and won't have them in the house. DH is only allowed to purchased disgusting flavored chips like onion ranch or something I won't touch. Son bought Ritz crackers and I made him hide them so I wouldn't find them. For me it is the salty crunchy stuff. Cake and cookies could sit in front of me forever.
Okay, I confess, it is like a dream come true. Hope Hicks Covid positive after riding in Air Force One and Marine One with Trump. AND the bestest part, sharing an umbrella with Stephen Miller. Sorry, not sorry, I hope they all get sick.
DH is only allowed to purchased disgusting flavored chips like onion ranch or something I won't touch.
In 13 years of living together, I have never, ever stolen Tim's dark chocolate. And he knows I never will.
Ugh. Not ideal: dog is WILD tonight. Barking and barking and racing around and flipping his water bowl....ugh.
Very, very sick, I hope. Plus some super spreading too, please.
Katie Porter makes CEOs pee their pants. On camera.
I am even more amazed to discover she is a single mom with three kids.
Katie Porter is a rockstar: did you know she took classes in law school from Elizabeth Warren? !!!
How badly do I want Hope Hicks to have infected 45? So badly, I must admit. This is very uncharitable of me. But I can't help it.
I didn't intend to watch the entire debate yet somehow I did.
"Joe, don't lose your shit" is probably the best we could have gotten and we did get it.
Maybe I'm the only one who enjoyed his sotto voces but I truly did. "Can I be honest here?" "You can try..." isn't getting nearly enough love.
End of the work day and I am all out of ice cream sandwiches.
That sounds like a metaphor.
That sounds like a tragedy. I am not allowed to have them in my home because I will eat them. But oh god, ice cream sandwiches.
meara, puppies eventually develop into dogs and almost all raised well will turn into very good doggos. But the time inbetween, wow, that takes zen skillz. I'm around if you need to vent or get multiple takes on common issues.
"Can I be honest here?"
"You can try..."
I wouldn't stop laughing at that point.
Melania and Donald Trump have tested positive for coronavirus. Hope Hicks seems to be the first person in this latest WH outbreak.
I hope that they didn't expose Joe Biden and his team on Tuesday night, and I hope our country will be okay.
Seriously? Covid in the White House? Be still, my heart!