Timelies all!
Mr.S's school is going to a hybrid model, starting Monday. He will be doing in-person classes Monday and Tuesday, and virtual classes the rest of the week. One new wrinkle is that the nanny/aide we've been using has decided she would not be able to do pick up at the school, and would only come on the virtual school days. So we need someone to pick Mr. S up at school and bring him home on those days. Gary's posted on a few places, but for next week we'll be doing that.
I was watching an interview with Rep. Katie Porter; she's a single mother with three kids, one in high school, one in middle school and one in elementary school. She'd dropped the high school one off and five minutes later he called to be picked up. The middle schooler got lost on the way to the school they'd been attending for six years. At the time, she hadn't heard from the third one, so assumed all was OK.
This sounds like the start to a creepypasta. Or a fairy tale, which is kind of the same thing.
I know creepypasta is a thing but it just makes me think of WWDitS decorating for the Baron
Woo hoo, Laura!
For the first time since 2019 I'm back at work processing documents that are related to Nazi Germany and Nazi thinking/rationale. I'm always a bit low when I'm working with these materials, but doing so these days...
That's got to be wearing. My job was mostly about Ebola back in 2014 or whatever, and it was just so exhausting. Great to do important work that matters, but exhausting.
End of the work day and I am all out of ice cream sandwiches. I do have a bottle of bellini (or Trader Joe approximation, anyway) which might be calling my name. Or I might just lie down in front of the fan and not move for a while.
End of the work day and I am all out of ice cream sandwiches.
That sounds like a metaphor.
I spent 6 months teaching ltc how to write her letters, and she insisted the whole time that she had to draw them from the bottom up, no matter how many times I tried to correct her. Today she comes home and says, "Guess what momma! Ms K said you should start letters from the bottom!"
t headdesk
Why does it matter, sj? (I switch back and forth.)
lisah, I think when you're learning to print it is just easier to do it that way. All of the tracing books have arrows that show you the easiest way to make the letters.