Oh, not watching that, nuh-uh.
Glad your reflexes and skills kicked in, Cass!
Ran by the lab for fasting bloodwork this AM--masks, distance circles on the floor, one chair in 'chairs.' I waited outside and the tech came out to call me. Praises and hosannahs on her--she got six vials out of the teeny vein on the back of my hand(the ones in my elbows roll and squiggle away from needles) first stick. She gets a cookie!
We had an appointment for our flu shots, but we'll have to go back tomorrow--they were out, expecting more early tomorrow. I've got a PCP annual next week. She's not retiring, exactly, just reducing her practice from general to certain specifics: problematic women's health, trans support and health. I have to admire her spending pre-retirement concentrating on the things she's most interested in. H and I are already on the list for a good general health clinic, with her rec.
And then the next day it's a dental cleaning and checkup. I need to make a mole check appt. with the derm--and then I think I'm med appt. free for a while.
It had been a while since we'd driven downtown, and they've sectioned off a block here and there for pedestrian traffic only. It's kind of nice not to gun it straight through town, have to slow down and take in the architecture, maintenance, repairs, and changes.
I have no horrible bosses nor pet trouble to report. Just the usual boring stuff.