Sorry, you'll have to settle for the people who check in before they go to work.
My sprained ankle is still really noticeably swollen and tender. I stayed off it more this weekend, and even iced it a couple times. Probably should have been doing that from the start.
RICE! Sorry, Theodosia. Can you take a sick day?
Oh no, Theo! I'm sorry to hear that.
Cass, sorry about the insomnia. I hope you got some sleep.
Theo, take care of yourself, and I hope you're feeling better soon.
Theo take care of yourself!!
Puppy did not want to sleep in today, but DID manage to not poop until we went outside this morning (albeit at 630am, before my alarm). It's a step in the right direction. I super don't want to work today though—I've been clenching my teeth at night almost every night and it gives me an awful headache in the morning. If it's super bad I will call in sick, but if it's just medium I can't always be doing that! Apparently the stress is getting to me
Apparently the stress is getting to me
So say we all.
Last night I warned Matilda at 8pm that at 8:30 she'd need to go into her room, and put away the folded laundry so I could make her bed.
This is a task that should take 10-15 minutes at most.
At 9:30 I went to check and make her bed and her room was still not put away and she was talking to Jacqueline about her new skirt which she was modeling.
I scolded her back to her room to finish up. A half hour later, I hear her shrieking in terror in her room. Usually means a spider. I go running in there and there's a yellowjacket on her leg.
I shoo it off but I can't even walk into the room because she has actual drawers pulled out and clothes are strewn everywhere.
So now I'm waving a small broom around in there trying to flush the wasp out, evacuating her to the living room and yelling at her at the same time because she turned a 10 minute cleanup into 90 minutes of worse chaos.
(What she was doing was that she was "feeling motivated" to clean up all the other clothes which were on the floor because she's been so depressed, and sort which ones she wanted to get rid of. Which is laudable, but a very poor choice to do before bedtime.)
So now now I'm ranting like a mad man, Matilda is shaking from adrenaline (and being yelled at), JZ is trying to calm her down and I'm bagging up all the clothes on the floor (two laundry bags full, almost all of it clean and folded still) so I can get around in the room to make sure it's wasp free.
In sum: Chaos! Shrieking! Wasps! Yelling! Adrenaline shaking! Ranting dad lecturing about room cleaning! (In the tenor of the dad on Christmas story yelling that his wife used up all the glue on purpose) Sobbing daughter talking about her depression!
wanted her to clean off her bed before bedtime.
Ultimately she wound up sleeping on the couch.
Hec, I'm sorry for all the frustration. The clothing thing sounds very much like an ADHD thing fwiw.
Oh, man, Hec. How unfortunate for all of you!
Yay for puppy pooping outside, meara! Boo for chronic jaw clenching.
I have decided to not fast today and to work but only kind of halfway - the way I would if I was working from home instead of taking a sick day during normal times if I was feeling not well but not really totally sick. Hopefully this will allow me to catch up on some of my longer term work projects rather than getting mired in all the little stuff that must be done immediately as it comes up...
Anyone up? Seems cruelty to hope for insomniacs but here I am.
Aw, I was up but not here. Sorry. I do miss the old night shift sometimes.
Oh, jeez, Hec that sounds like a heck of a night. You never know when your family will produce emergent phenomena.