My parents had to vote absentee when they worked the polls. They never worked their own precinct, not sure if that's why
I think they told me that's why we get two hours off -- to go vote at our own precinct -- but all of my fellow workers had voted early or by "mail." (The city put dropboxes outside every polling place.)
Scantron is the best. We've used it here forever.
We have early voting here. So I'll be voting in person, probably on the day the polls open (Oct. 15). I've been having my groceries delivered or picked them up outside the store and I've been working from home since March. But I'm less endangered by COVID than many, so I'm willing to take the risk to see my ballot go into the machine and get counted. It helps that my voting places are in areas where pretty much everyone is wearing a mask.
It's a problem when participating in democracy means weighing potential death/disabling vs. actually being counted.
Oh, they definitely didn't get two hours off!
work is pissing me off, as usual, and I want to go sit at a counter somewhere and have a beer and a burger and there is just no way to do that. None of the places that I would ordinarily be able to do that even offer beer to go, as far as I can tell. I supposed I could go to the grocery store.
Oh, they definitely didn't get two hours off!
They did say if it's busy, there's no two hours off, but I bet it won't be busy even for the general this year.
I'm planning on early voting in person. I'll go at like 10 AM on a weekday, to try to avoid the times when most people will be going before or after work.
apparently Graham is asking for help and money because of how close the race is in SC. I am trying to be optimistic that he can lose but right now this is more a race Graham is working to win rather than one where the election is more a formality.
It's postal voting for everyone in Washington; we'll walk our ballots up to the secure dropbox at the school district administration building. Ballots will probably go out on the 14th (are required to be mailed by the 16th), and they're actively telling people "If you are using USPS, get your ballot into the system by the 27th: we'll pick up at the secure dropboxes until 8 pm on Election Day."
Folks from the county elections division will be at the library on October 29th with a secure dropbox, voter registration forms and ballots, plus the accessible voting setup - I might call and see if they need help, I've worked as an elections judge before.
Also stickers. This year of all years, damn it, I want that sticker.
CA is mailing stickers with the ballots! It's very exciting.
We didn't have stickers on Primary Day, sad.
So I think it's Jacob H's fault that I got this email, but Raul Grijalva's logo is very cute. [link]