Dear god shrift!! That's way worse than the time they told me I under reported income and owed them like $1K (I didn't, and was able to send one letter with supporting documents and they were like 'OK"...but it was still hella stressful).
So had a whole saga with the electricians, but it has a good end (I hope--it's not QUITE over). The estimator came last week, and said "ooh, have to replace all the wiring on the circuit (in the room) to do this but if you put the holes in the walls for us that we'll need, that'll make it quicker for us, and you won't be paying an electrician to make holes". OK, sounds good to me. Arranged to get a stud finder and a drywall saw from some friends who just did a drywall project. Talked to the guy in charge yesterday, when he called to ask if they could come today. I asked where they need the holes, we had a whole back and forth--he thought I was just going to take a whole strip along all four walls off (!!!). So he said he'd get back to me. Today, calls in the morning, says OK, if we promise it won't be more than 3 hours work, how about they come today (because they had a cancellation) and they'll do the holes needed. I said great.
They were supposed to come at 12:30. At noon I talked to him and he said they'd be a little late. At 2PM the actual electrician called and said they'd be here in 45 minutes. At 2:45, he was lost and had the wrong address. Eventually they showed up at 3PM, the electrician and his (very cute pink haired lip ringed) apprentice. And they were like "wait, you just need it for the one outlet? We can totally just switch one of the existing circuits to a tandem one, and voila, super easy". They were here for 20 minutes, and only didn't finish because they didn't have the part with them, but said they'll come back tomorrow and do it in like 10 minutes. And there's only one teeny hole I can easily patch. Win! ....assuming it actually works and the treadmill runs, tomorrow. Fingers crossed. It would be typical 2020 if it works and the treadmill runs, but the guy put it together badly or it's missing a crucial piece or something. And now I have to move ALL my books and bookshelves back because I moved them away from the walls. Massive project, but way more doable.