I do live in earthquake country in an age of power shut offs
Hurricane country here. I have batteries, water, and a fire pit that I can use to boil water for coffee. I just have to make sure to grind a few days supply of beans in case of power outages.
The other good thing about calling a doctor is that you've got a documented illness AND if they say stay home for a significant period, HR has to put it in the Short Term Disability bucket that doesn't count against your sick days.
I've already used 3 days of sick time.
And as you are still sick you should probably take more.
My accomplishments so far today have been to get two trolls removed from a neighborhood FB group. Troll profiles are bizarre.
[Edit: Oh, I should've known I couldn't keep myself in just the one post, ha?]
Nilly, it's how we now we're getting an authentic Nilly post.
It's lovely to see you here again. G'mar tov.
Most likely.
Nilly! Always good to see your pixels!
I think my teeth will be ground away to nothing before December. I even made the mistake of watching Rachel Maddow the last couple nights and between the CDC crap and the Electoral College shenanigans I may not sleep soundly again.
I was exhausted after getting up at 5AM to take DH to the airport. He still didn't finish stuff that needs to be done to my son's car so I let him take my car to work today. I could have taken him, but it is 80 miles round trip, and then I would have to pick him up again at 11 and not be home until midnight. Can't do it. Too tired. My sister offered to do the pickup since she is a night owl, but he is a safe driver and the route is basically rural farmlands with nothing but deer to present issues.
So tired.
Good news & bad news. Good is that we have an appointment to see an ideal apartment for son tomorrow. Getting a place has been challenging, but this sounds hopeful. Bad news is that DH had severe head pain when the plane was landing so his doctor is making him come in this afternoon. I think sinus infection, but doctor wants to check BP and other stuff too. He is at a record high weight so he is in for a record level of lecture from our doc.
Fingers crossed, Laura.
I continue to try to make my own fun. I decided I want new glasses, so I went window shopping online, and then realized that basically what I want is my old glasses, and my prescription hasn't changed, so I'm just wearing my old glasses again.
So therefore I finally ordered a roomba.
(What? I saved so much money on glasses!!!)
I love my not a roomba but some other variety of robotic vacuum. I just sit and watch it do my least favorite chore.