meara, if the mirror was glued to the wall, gorilla glue might stick it back up.
Theo, stairs are hard on ankles, going down is definitely harder than going up. I hope yours heals up well.
Hello, Sue! Good to see you. The Atlantic Canadian bubble sounds wonderful.
I accomplished several things at work today, including making a thing work that the tech guy gave up on, so I feel pretty good about myself right now.
dinner is a Luna bar and some cheese. I mean, it'll do, but if I'd picked something up it probably would have been better.
My oatmeal and I salute you.
Perhaps the ankle distracted me, but I left my cell phone at work. I feel all discombobulated, but I survived for many years without one, so I'll power through this evening...
We had a mouse saga in the house. There was a mouse in M's mom's bedroom. Scrappy and duchess didn't do anything to the mouse except stare at it.
So we've been periodically putting Penny in there until the mouse ventured out.. and it finally did. His mom came out saying "she caught the mouse!" and Penny ran into the kitchen to her food bowl and after some back and forth of "don't touch the mouse" I explained I was going to pick up Penny while she had the mouse in her mouth , take her outside, and shake her gently until she let loose of the mouse. (I did this with another cat when she caught lizards all the time). And the tactic worked . There is no mouse in the house.
That we are aware of.
Penny got lots of treats and pettings for victory and to make up for the loss of her prize
I think I'll be having a cheese stick for dinner. And maybe some waffles.
My husband cheerfully informed me that he's lost 13 pounds, being home and not going out to eat as much. I did not murder him.
Gold star Penny!
I thought about waffles for dinner but they seemed like too much trouble (they are frozen and would need to be toasted)
Gold star for Dana too.
It is cold here so I made a nice pot of chili and brought some to my sister. It was yummy.