Cosigning what Consuela Said.
Me, I was rewatching a couple of episodes of The Magicians that I evidently watched way too fast. There's a lovely story where Penny-40 in the afterlife makes a good argument that there are no secondary characters and sidekicks, which is a great bit of meta to catch us up on a bunch of plots and character development. I like the series so much better than the book(s).
They have the Carol Burnett Show! The original one that's never been on DVDS and full seasons of it. I didn't watch any but I may tomorrow while I am crocheting.
I only have one word: BINGE!
Hil, I replaced my side mirror last year and it was pretty easy. Replacing the blower motor for the AC on the other hand was a trifle more challenging, but I got it done!
I find PlutoTV and FilmRise incredibly annoying with the way they handle their ad breaks. I prefer tubi, which also has LEVERAGE and puts their ad breaks in where they would have been on tv, instead of interrupting what feels like every 30 seconds regardless of where the act breaks are.
Carol Burnett is a very good idea. There is way too little laughter in current life.
In Florida political news, Mike Bloomberg is our new best friend. He paid the fines poll taxes for 32,000 Black and Hispanic felons who are already registered to vote so they can vote in the upcoming election. There are some 775,000 formerly incarcerated felons who were allowed to vote after Florida citizens voted to allow it, then our state government decided they could only do so if all their court costs and fines were paid in full. Various groups have been working to pay the fines for them, but Bloomberg focused on minorities and most likely to vote because already registered.
If you have Amazon Prime, they have IMDB tv which is running Leverage, too.
Mike Bloomberg is our new best friend. He paid the fines poll taxes for 32,000 Black and Hispanic felons who are already registered to vote so they can vote in the upcoming election.
Good for him! Now that's a good way for a billionaire to participate in politics.
This may cheer you up ... a little's first exam.
Ugh. And Romney is doing the GOP sheep thing.
Feeling pretty hopeless this morning.
This may cheer you up ... a little's first exam.
Skinner stared intently at my monitor to see what was squealing.
I am back at work after being on vacation for a week. Now, my vacation was not super fun or anything, but being back at work is definitely a drag.
Glad to hear people who should be able to vote can! How ridiculous that it takes a billionaire taking an interest to get there.