That sounds good, too. Can you taste the pears?
I always think apple cider doughnuts sound delicious but I don't think I have tried one. Not one fresh and hot, anyway. The local apple orchards are a bit of a drive from here and reportedly have long lines during the season so I have not attempted the trek.
I cut non-alky cider half and half (or so) with clear soda. As I do pomegranite, cranberry, and OJ. Less sweet more sparkle.
I cut most juices with sparkling water to make them less sweet. Also satisfies my craving for fizzy soda.
I got a glowing 6-month review from my boss today. Very nice to hear. Within the next couple weeks we'll meet again to discuss moving forward with promoting me to a director-level position. I need more training before that happens, but it's clear that's what she wants to do. I don't honestly want the job, but I damn sure don't want to go job hunting again, and I do want the increased salary, so, as Jubal Early said, Here I am.
See what ya get for being so dang competent!
That sounds like a good outcome for the situation, Zenkitty! Director-level sounds fancy.
Yay Zenkitty!
Our house has been smelling very pumpkin spice-y because M's mom got some kind of air freshener thing that goes off every few mins and the latest scent she got was PS.
It just dawned on me that the usual group outing to the pumpkin patch isn't going to happen. I already sacrificed my THREAT LEVEL: PUMPKIN shopping trips, dammit.
Damn. Damn. Damn. RBG died.
Damn. Damn. Damn. RBG died.
Mitch will definitely force another conservative justice onto SCOTUS.