It is so smoky here. And I just stood outside (masked) for like 90 minutes with my puppy and a friend's puppy and praying puppy is exhausted. But I can kinda feel a tickle in my lungs now like I need to cough. Ick.
Poboy sounds delicious msbelle.
I had other thoughts besides "yeah, kneeling always struck me as something respectful and if it were rando white guy kneeling they'd probably think it was amazing and insist REAL patriots kneel during the anthem!"
Has anyone been able to get in to the Princess Bride thing?
Just seeing the logo, -t. I think they are having issues.
I either get "server could not be reached" or asked to register again. Sadface
This link - [link]
Still just logo for me.
OK, I finally accepted the 7th or 8th attempt to register...
The thousands of comments seem to all say they can't see it yet.
Yep, that was the link I was using. I guess they are overwhelmed....
The logo shows 66.5K watching. I'm wondering if they are overwhelmed. Hanging in there.
Now that I have gotten as far as the logo I am satisfied to wait. Hopefully they are getting other people who are hung up like I was connected.