My mother never made tuna noodle casserole, either. A college friend made it for me, and I liked it fine.
There's mac & cheese that I will make on the stovetop and maybe stir in a can of tuna and maybe add frozen peas to make a one pot dinner (that I will eat directly out of the pot) and there's mac and cheese that I bake in the oven and that would not get peas added to it.
No peas in mac & cheese. My eyes have been recently opened to the inclusion of small amounts of pulled pork and BBQ sauce, however.
Matt, that sounds awesome
Tuna noodle casserole is basically gloop plus noodles plus tuna, baked. Homemade white sauce gloop is superior to condensed cream of mushroom soup. I never had potato chips on top, but occasionally bread crumbs. My mom added olives. I added peas. My BFF made a version with broccoli and blue cheese dressing. I also liked it served with sour cream.
I should add that I also love creamed tuna on toast and tuna melts, so I must really love warm tuna. Also my grandma who cooked for me was a depression era cook who did not enjoy it and wasn't great at it so this was much better than roast beef cooked to shoe leather texture with a side of mushy broccoli and instant mashed potatoes. That was the good meal, followed by roast beef sandwiches, then roast beef pieces in brown gravy over bread, then roast beef hash.
No peas in mac & cheese. My eyes have been recently opened to the inclusion of small amounts of pulled pork and BBQ sauce, however.
I make my stuffed mac & cheese (from scratch, 4 cheeses) with a layer in the pan, add a layer of smoked brisket, a layer of caramelized onions, then top it with more mac & cheese, a layer of cheese, and a layer of bread crumbs, then bake. It is tasty.
I'm a Stoffers frozen Mac and cheese person, myself. I tried making it from scratch several times, but it never tasted as good. Must be the tang from all those preservatives. If some one gave me Mac and cheese with peas I'd eat it happily enough, but I wouldn't add it on my own. I prefer steamed broccoli on the side that I can dip in the cheese sauce.
I have had Vortex's plain mac and cheese, and it was amazing. Now I really want to try to stuffed one. Mine is more of just a cheese sauce, not baked, no crumb toppings. Although once I did mix in caramelized onion, and it was amazing.
TCG took ltc to school today and picking her up. Which means I am still in my pjs, and there is no one else in my house. Which means I can mainline TV for the next 4 hours, which I have not done in nearly 6 months. I'm overwhelmed with the choices.
Allie Brosh from Hyperbole and a Half has a new book! Yay!
I've made (fairly plain) Mac and Cheese - I'd cook the macaroni, make a white sauce using whole milk, add a LOT of cheddar, some salt, a little white pepper and a spoon of mustard - I had a jar of tarragon mustard that worked well, but a Dijon or spicy mustard works well. I've heard of adding ham to Mac and Cheese, but not peas. I'm opposed to tuna casserole, because I always think of tuna being something you eat cold (as in tuna salad). I like peas, generally ... once came across a recipe for spring peas just barely cooked and ... I'm thinking tomatoes and mustard? can't remember. I'm picky about a number of things ... I've developed an aversion to most meat. And I can't eat lobster (you're welcome to my share).