The Markey Kennedy race was odd to watch from afar, possibly stranger for the constituents. Haven't followed closely, but it seemed inappropriate timing for Kennedy to challenge that way.
In other political not-news, the world has gone mad. Every single day there is a year's worth of scandal. It is exhausting.
The Markey Kennedy race was odd to watch from afar, possibly stranger for the constituents. Haven't followed closely, but it seemed inappropriate timing for Kennedy to challenge that way.
I think the idea is that he couldn't beat Ayanna Pressley for the next open seat (potentially Warren's soon, in a Biden administration), so he thought he'd take a shot now.
TCG thought maybe it was a practice run for Warren's seat, but I didn't think about the fact that Pressley would likely run for that as well.
I forgot home difficult it can be to put on outside clothes every day and make small talk with people and worry about not looking like a mess.
I am still exhausted from working the polls yesterday -- a long day, lots of talking, lots of people!
True fact. Especially the one guy who insisted that he had already rejected his party affiliation, when the city had no record of that, and insisted on getting a republican ballot, when they had him down as a democrat.
All the candidates I liked won, albeit for a primary. I just hope this is a harbinger for November.
Alas, I am extrapolating from results in The People's Republic of Massachusetts.
My parents volunteered with Kiwanis to be pollworkers many times and they always found the days long and tiring and always with some kind of weirdness whether from voters or from the official apparatus. Thanks for doing that, Jesse!
Just before I woke up I was dreaming that I was, for reasons that are now unclear outside of dreamland, beating on a leather upholstered chair with my fists but that was too tiring and I was despairing of being so weak and tired that I couldn't beat up furniture when my alarm went off so that really set the tone for the day
Both DH and I have signed up to be poll workers, but we haven't heard back. I'm hoping they are getting organized.
I keep hearing from this friend or that about 'back-to-school' infections. And this is at the university level. I dread to think about what happens when all the schools here open mid-September. My friend is superintendent of schools up here and he is all out depressed. So much responsibility, and really no control. He is really hoping that lots of parents elect to keep the kids home. His fear and panic over the possibility of losing one of his kids or teachers is overwhelming.