Apple and peanut butter makes a good snack.
This was my lunch today.
I bought a bunch of meal replacement shake packets for when I need to eat but nothing sounds good/everything is too hard. That mostly works out okay, although sometimes even that is too much.
I have Clif bars for this.
I have Clif bars for this.
I like having Luna bars around for that, but I keep running out
All the things I am out of, I do still have rum. Perhaps a wee nip once I finish logging off the work laptop would not be amiss...
Calli, it was just a very basic chicken salad but with leftover duck shredded instead of chicken. Today's was just mayo and relish because I didn't want to do any chopping.
Timelies all!
I have a cat on my lap. At least she's being quiet....
I think it was G.K. Chesterton who pointed out that most booze is vegetarian ... vegan even.
I have been unexpectedly (timing-wise) moving to Mom's house and many things out of mine. There have been many boxes taken to my old house because it's a cul de sac, less than ten minutes from the Marine Corps base and that seems the ideal place to have a garage sale that might get more than two people. Many interested in used items for cheap.
Yesterday every single box or crate that I'd worked to get over there and a few pieces of furniture came back. This was not what was agreed to at all.
I spent 16-18 hour days doing my job the last 4-5 weeks, going through Mom's things and in general having everything along one wall ready to have a yard sale this weekend. Except I can't because everything is here, 17 miles away and I'm fucking furious.
To make it better, the guy clearing out of my old place is one of my superiors. Who needed a place to live while the military messed up his move. I am going to preface this with he has good intentions.
Yesterday, I got the random desk, a nice wooden chest and a rocking chair removed. Got my washer and dryer back but realized last night that the dryer won't dry and I either dry on cold or smell gas. Realized today that every single bit of shit I made myself get rid of is back in the garage.
I'm angry and I am so mentally pissed off that I put myself through all of that for nothing. At best, this takes me two months to fix. And I'm tempted to rent a dumpster at each house and just say eff it.
I'm home. Went in for severe abdominal pain, came out a diabetic with a fatty liver and severe spinal degeneration at L5/S1 that currently doesn't bother me at all.
My sugar when I went into the ER was 300. It dropped to 165 yesterday before lunch, but my A1C is 7.9. They put me on Metformin 2x a day. I don't want to take the drugs, but I don't appear to have much choice in the matter. I wanted to try diet and exercise first, but I was discouraged. So now I have to figure out how to like breakfast, and eat on a regular schedule.
I'm a little overwhelmed, and worried that I have to really give up pasta. I want to get the numbers down as quickly as I can though. Not sure I have the right words for how I'm feeling at the moment.
Oh Maria, that is a lot. How do you manage L5/S1 without agony? That's my worst joint. I hope you can come to a long-term resolution that combines some meds if you need them but also control through diet and exercise. Feel better.