I bought a bunch of meal replacement shake packets for when I need to eat but nothing sounds good/everything is too hard. That mostly works out okay, although sometimes even that is too much.
I have no specific reason why feeding myself has become difficult, it's just part of how everything is hard right now, I think, and it's one more thing.
Speaking of, I'm going to take this opportunity to dish up some leftover grits with black-eyed peas and spinach before our biweekly "town hall" starts
it's one more thing.
Definitely. It's like...I have to get up? And make a decision? And then make the actual food?
I made myself a duck salad sandwich for lunch and there is enough duck salad for tomorrow's lunch as well.
Shit. I need to make lunch.
I was having a truly miserable morning - my keyboard's messed up enough, partly because the letters are worn off most of the keys (the ones I use most) and it's arranged differently than I've been used to so even looking, I have trouble hitting the right keys and a file I created last week is missing. Every time I try looking at one of the other files, I get the message that someone else has it open - usually my boss, but often enough it's "other user" ... which is weird. BUT! I went out and got a hot sandwich AND a coffee shake and life is less annoying.
Duck salad sounds good. Hot sandwich and a coffee shake also sounds good. Cryptic differently arranged keyobard and disappearing/locked files, not so good. I have had that locked by "other user" thing, I have also had it tell me a file was locked because it was being used by me, weird things happen and focussing on lunch instead is a smart move.
The file locked thing in Windows has been flaky for 20+ years and they still haven't figured out how to fix it. I deal with consternated users all the time at work because the wrong person is listed as having the file open.
I've never had duck salad, but I love duck, so it sounds promising. I had a grilled cheese sandwich with salsa. It was pretty satisfying, in a fat-and-carbs kinda way.
hmmm ... we've had Clippy porn ... maybe "other user" porn?