I didn't watch the RNC except what little I saw in passing because M's mom had it on . She told us she is writing in M's name instead of voting for Trump or Biden. In hindsight I should be just asked her what her objections to Biden were instead of telling her she might as well not vote.
M had been mocking the number of flags so she was feeling defensive anyway. I'm pretty sure all of M's family is going to vote for Trump. I think they still support him , well his mom doesn't really but she might be the only one.
Hooray for your brother, and the doc, and bourbon!
Indeed! That was all very good to read, Teppy. Phew!
I speak from experience of knowing the relief you get from something not being as big a disaster as it might have been! Yay Teppy, JZ and Hec!
ltc's Covid test was negative.
Good to hear that something's gone right for someone.
me me me ... we have mosquitoes in the office ... since I'm usually the only one here, I get all their attention ... Tuesday I went home early because I had a good half-dozen bites that were actually painful (even after slathering the bites with Benadryl ointment) and one got me again
ltc's Covid test was negative.
That's the kind of negativity I like.
Even when we are being very careful, the negative test is reassuring.